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Posts posted by [HTi]Dain

  1. Yeah, Savage and I ran open rear-diffs forever. finally wised up and welded em...we hit up some mud a while back with the open diffs, I ended up getting stuck in the deep stuff. went back a couple weeks later with 'em WELDED, and just tore the place up. If one of us got stuck in the deep stuff, we just hammered down, and at about 6grand, she'd start pullin out. Welded diff = all the difference. I run stocks on-road with it, it does create more tension, but no problems yet. I'd say keep your LSD's on-road, Welded-rear-ends off-road ;)

  2. Yes it is a bushing you can replace or at least an auto electrics place can. You can either take the dizzy whole and get them to clean it, check mechanical advance and check out vacuum advance, rebush and bench test. (prob cost 80 - 100 dollars). Or pull it apart yourself and clean up and unseize mech advance, check vacumm advance (hose, suck and see if it holds vacuum) yourself, clean up and take shaft into auto electrics for rebushing (bushes cost $3 retail) probably about $20 for them to do. I have done this a couple of times now, go to a number of places till you find one who will do it cheap (ie some told me the BS line that they dont rebush incase something else breaks later, what bollocks, check it yourself, rebushed it will last for ages, till it needs rebushing again):)


    Yeah, that, or get a J.Y. one like I did for 10 bucks I think.

  3. I'm split on this one...


    If a car is beyond repair then I have no problem trashing it.


    However if you beat it up, you can't play with it any more. :-\


    If you treat the car in such a way that it will last longer


    and enjoy it longer and keep the repair bills down...:)


    Looking at these pics, these look in pretty bad shape to begin with.:rolleyes:


    My Hatch was in way better shape when I carved it up and I still treat


    it with respect.:cool: ....and it still runs great....


    Like I said, I'm kinda up in the air on this one...


    I dont know what your talking about! the cars May look all beat-up and trashed, but thats just looks. My wagon, and Savage's hatch have always ran great! with a certain level of maintenance, of course. We see it as a testament to Subaru's durabability, and never ending suprises. And don't forget, respect is in the eye of the beholder...maybe this is how we think our cars should be respected...hehehe:headbang:

  4. Numbchux,


    You seem to know enough about your states’ situation, and loosing all of your ORV land. Please, inform us about this situation, as I feel that you had a valid point; but I do not think you were expressing it in the right manner. As a Subaru owner, and new USMB member, I believe in keeping things positive; like true Subaru and USMB spirit, always moving forward, never backward. Also any off-roader should feel somewhat responsible for this cause, as we all love our Subaru’s, and enjoy having fun with them on and off the road, I think none of us would want to see that disappear or be limited. So please tell us of any constructive ways that we board members could help with your state’s situation.

  5. I say WELD IT:headbang: , and NO need to pull an axle (that part is overrated). I've been drving my wagon with a welded rear-end daily. It handles great on the road, it doesn't "hop around"; but sure, it binds up in parking lots. Sometimes its fun though, becausd it will squak, and people look. But thats just me. Of course if you're in the snow, the tires will just slip on the ice/snow anyway, and I dont think it'll bind. Although, an LSD would probably handle better in case of a slide, or (intentional or not) drift. You would have more control, I do believe.

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