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Posts posted by O.C.D.

  1. I think those are just wagon wheels from a trailer, mounted in reverse so the fronts are in towards the axle and the inward part of the wheel is mounted outward.-with relocated valve stems.


    Just saw this post and I am lost. Those wheels are not reverse mounted?!

  2. Did you rescue that from a scrap yard? I could swear I've seen that brat in a pic somewhere in a scrap yard.


    NO, at least I hope not, lol. It was a private seller in Colbran, CO. She runs and needs some work so I wouldn't think she was scrapyard bound. Title was registered to his Dad.

  3. Ok, good to know then. That is actually where the pump attaches to the block then. So, all I need to do is loosen the mount and take her off, make a gasket and seal properly, use an O-Ring (what size by chance?) and bada-bing huh?!


    Now that I know it is the pump area, how would I know if the pump is bad?


    Thanks for the help.


    Speaking of parts, hanging on the side of the tranny is a sensor and two red wires. Those wires are sheared off and dangling. What is that sensor? I am thinking a reverse sensor?

  4. I asked in my restoration thread but received no answers. So I will try again.


    Let it be known I am waiting for my Haynes to arrive so my part definitions may be wrong.


    I have spent many hours removing and cleaning all of the oil soaked dirt and crud from the undercarriage. I drove her again after being put back together and am thinking the oil leak is near the filter? Where the filter attaches to the block, or even where the feed attaches to the block, is this a place for leaks to occur? It is almost like the galley from the block, through the filter support is where the leak is coming from?


    Is this a common occurrence on a EA71? Are there gaskets in any of this? Just over night I had about a 4 inch circle. Any info would be appreciated.



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