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Posts posted by Andyjo

  1. But Zap used regular outback struts in an Impreza? If the struts fit in the strut mount... then they should work! besides the mounting it to the knuckle.... i want to get a job at subaru so i can play w/ all the parts, and write up what can be done.... I know the forester parts go in impreza thing... but more options would be cool :brow:

    Now what should be really tested out is Baja parts....

  2. Whenever i get stuck like that in my impreza, it's usually a very careful game of.. how much i can press the brakes and gas at the same time, and sort of alternate between them to 'fool' the AWD system.

  3. i think it's actually easier to change the hub than the bearings ( because the bearing sare in the hub...) i just had mine done in the impreza, the bearings are like 100 or something from the dealer, and labor's going to rack you up.

    If you jackup the rear end, and then spin the wheel, if you get a noise (a bearing noise.. rolling noise) then it's most likely the bearings, you can also try to move the wheel, grab both sides and torque it either way, if you get movement then that's not good.

  4. Wow, you guys have low gas lights? :slobber: I've put 13.7 gallons in my 13.1 gallon tank before! and no lights came on!


    I just got 24.7 mpg the other day! woohoo! i was so happy to have above 20 mpg :rolleyes: but it deffenetly gets the best economy when doing 55mph, opposed to 70-110mph.


    Vintage: i used to keep my laptop in my car when i did alot of driving (big mp3 player.. heh) and i'd keep an excel spreadsheet of all my gas usage etc.. i actually would calculate cost per mile, bad then i was getting about 6 cents per mile, or something like that. but yeah, you just take the miles you drove on that much gas, and divide it by the gallons.


    Sweet82: Maybe maybe it's steeper one way than the other, technically speaking it's the same amount of 'work' but physically speaking your engine is going ot burn more gas if it's steeper.

  5. boy.. i sure do hate those pesky rocks... especially when they're attached to the ground... nothing worse than getting high centered on one of those...

    the medium sized rocks can suck too... when they get stuck in your stearing gears :rolleyes:

  6. i'll bet all the money in my wallet ($0 :grin:) that it's the screws on the oil pump. Same exact thing happened on my impreza. It's not that hard to do, my dad and i did it in an afternoon. The hardest part i think was keeping stuff from moving :rolleyes: our attempts weren't that good.... ended up creating some crazy tool, which involved a large metal pipe, and 3 bolts welded to it :brow:. i don't know how it worked, but it did...

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