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Ok so heres my situation, My car has developed a pretty severe "buck" when I am trying to either let off the gas or trying to down shift. Also when I am coasting it can get really bad. When I am stopped my car runs fine. Idles smooth and there are no codes. Although it has started to idle around 1000-1200 rpms. Prior it would be around 600-800rmps. It has just over 90k on it, about 82k I did the timing belt water pump and crank shaft seal. I have not replaced the clutch and dont know whether it is the original or not. If it is and its bad could this be the cause? Or could it be a transmission issue? I have also noticed that when I am shifting into 2nd and 3rd there is a bit of a knock as the clutch engages. I dont know if this helps for a description.



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Time to service this car. Change the tranny lube, and a tune up and new pcv vlave wouldnt be a bad idea. Inspect the rear tranny mount to see if it is broken.


Test the clutch:


Put the front bumper against a tree or a building. Set the parking brake. Put the car in 5th gear (running). Release the clutch. Do everything in your power to keep the car from stalling. If the clutch is good no matter what you do the car will stall. If it is worn then the car will keep running.




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