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1983 gl wagon


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I need the sizes for the body bolts... the ones that hold the rear diff. mount, the next set up that holds the rear end and for the torsion/sway? bar mount behind the front wheels. Basicaly the ones I need to replace when I do a body lift. I can get the length estimate on my own, I am hopeing that someone will have thread patterns and such.:slobber:

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you are going about it all wrong.use the existing body bolts to keep the blocks in, then buy whatever you want to go between the suspension and blocks.


and a body lift on a gen2 wagon does not work.you will blow axles constantly.do some research ,(read), and come up with a better plan.cheers, brain

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wait I thought body lift was what you wanted to do?suspension lifts blow out axles?Right?


yep thats right. i mistyped.but seeing it referred to as a body lift sent out a red flag.and my fingers made haste to reinforce the fact that it should not be done..

the point was to make him look ************ up......

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On th point of lookin @#$%#@ up. I did. Searched for around five hours and found zero usefull info, (atleast as far as my small brain goes) this is my first Ru but one of many wheelin rigs and I just wanted to do it right and not be some Redneck horror story that dies on the highway because I did it wrong. I thought the whole idea behind a site like this was to ask and be answered. Thank you to everyone who has helped me find my way I have built my own SJR style lift (I work restoring classics and hotrods) and I hope to show up to an event soon.

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change your search tactics.simplify your terminology.and just go through old posts.

there is a ton of information.if a different person came up to you every other day and asked how to build a model T what would your responses be?


come to the WCSS.or the NWWO/OFFROO'd meet in june.cheers,brian

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I understand, and there is no ill will. I just don't wanna be the one gettin laughed at cause my suspension falls off yah know. And I am tryin to move stuff around to make the run in june. Are these get togethers kid friendly? My 5 year old love "ridin his Roo" and would go nuts to see the rest of your rigs.


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I understand, and there is no ill will. I just don't wanna be the one gettin laughed at cause my suspension falls off yah know. And I am tryin to move stuff around to make the run in june. Are these get togethers kid friendly? My 5 year old love "ridin his Roo" and would go nuts to see the rest of your rigs.

there is usually a couple of kids around.cheers, brian

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Sounds good but one minor caveat: I know chevy engines are cheap and easy but does anyone put ford engines into fords?Bigger chevies into chevies,and Mopar engines in Mopars?


I know chevys are readily available,have a huge after market etc, Im just tired of seeing chevies in hot rods,jeeps,toyotas,fords and anything else that needs an engine...


Stuff a built 360 or 440 in there!please ;)


Although it is pretty cool!A J truck on 44"s...

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