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lot of 1978 Subaru 4WD wagon parts for Sale, in Idaho.

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Way back when we had one '76 and several 1978 sub 4WD wagons. I still have several shelves of good used subaru parts in one storage shed.  They are FOR SALE, located in Victor, Idaho. Onesies-twosies at Market price,  but much more reasonable if you take everything at once. So, what do you need? I have pictures of some parts. Charlie   idpv@ida.net

F Grille.JPG

1:2 sharts & brake parts.JPG

78 subie RF fender.JPG

carb& manif.2.JPG

cleaner seats.JPG

diff & susp.JPG

doors& seats.JPG

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Good to see you’re still around and haven’t just scrapped the lot. 

Very soon I’ll be taking in a 78 4WD wagon. Replacing my former same. 

Here I sit on the east coast but I’ll see what if anything I’ll need in the next month or so. 
Right now I could use a running EA71 first edition. Even just the short block as I have heads here. You willing to throw a good short block on a small skid or whip together a crate of sorts? 

Two guys in NC each drove up and put a major dent in my stock which I was paring down as you are. I hope you find that same guy or guys. 

Will send a PM too. 


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