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EA82 turns 40 soon !

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Loved or hated, they are what they are. My EA82 gets me to work and back very reliably each day, even when it's 110+ in the summer. When we have errands to run, I much prefer to drive the 87 DL with 246K miles and not my wife's 20 years younger Honda. In general, we love the old cars and that's all we own. Our newest vehicle is almost 20 years old. Our oldest vehicle, driven most every weekend, is 60 years old. I don't even drive my 2003 WRX that often these days. She's too young for me.  :)

Edited by azdave
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On 5/22/2024 at 11:12 PM, azdave said:

Loved or hated, they are what they are. My EA82 gets me to work and back very reliably each day, even when it's 110+ in the summer. When we have errands to run, I much prefer to drive the 87 DL with 246K miles and not my wife's 20 years younger Honda. In general, we love the old cars and that's all we own. Our newest vehicle is almost 20 years old. Our oldest vehicle, driven most every weekend, is 60 years old. I don't even drive my 2003 WRX that often these days. She's too young for me.  :)

I had a dealer call me to report a customer had a touring wagon to sell as they were returning to the US. They were driving it to university and back each day with a closed thermostat. It got hot at each end of the trips, got a day or night to cool down, and start all over again. As soon as I bought it for $250, I drove it to the local shops, pick up vehicle in the back ( my push bike) a few tools and a spare thermostat - I was on my way again after it cooled enough to work on. Vehicle was great condition, not so in demand and became spares for a few of my projects. That poor engine never really suffered, and 16 years later awaits next transplant again :)  I write this as I sit in my 1999 MY NA EJ202 Forester, questioning my realities of these projects happening !!

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  • 3 weeks later...

My EA82 just turned 332,000. Got between 29-32 mpg on a trip last month. Starting to smoke though. I'm pulling it in a couple of weeks to put in a younger motor that I have because I just don't trust it anymore for a longer trip. I'm torn because I'll always wonder how far it would have gone.


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