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Snapped Key Removal from Door Lock

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So I just snapped the key off in the door lock. Stupid me, I hadn't gotten a second key cut yet. Subaru dealer can cut another ($8), but just want to know if this is a common thing.


Second question, how in sam hill do I get the half key out of the door lock? Can I get in there with tweezers? Do I have to pull it out and shake the key out? Do I need to just live with it?


Stupid me.:banghead:

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A locksmith will use a small piece of metal shaped like a harpoon and pull it out by hooking some part of the key.


You could make something similar with a piece of an old tape measure.


I doubt you'd find a pair of tweezers small or flat enough to actually fit in the lock and grip it.

The pins are going to try and hold the key in place


Broken keys are not a known common problem with Subies that I know of...


Your dealer should be able to cut you a "courtesy key" for free.


Every dealer I have been to has done this with a smile for free!


Good Luck,


82 SubaruHummer--many courtesy keys cut

84 GL Mad Max--need to go get a courtesy key cut

01 Forester--two courtesy keys cut

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this story has to do with a subaru key...


This kid that I work with had to run to the store so I said take my plymouth. I give him my keys. he comes back about 5 minutes later to say was it the big funny looking key? and I said no why? well the big funny looking key is stuck in the ignition....


I am on top of a roof at the time so I go you better get that key out... he goes no problem and messes with it for about 20 minutes and says he has to go home... I'm like ok... so I go out there and fiddle with it... its stuck on one of the pins.. and i'm pulling, tugging and ripping at it... the key snaps....


so now I'm out my only key for my subaru and I have to bust the column and the ignition out of my plymouth and this kid doesn't acknoledge that he done anything wrong. even though I told him (and showed him wich key it was...) I had to take the trunk lock out of the subi and take it to the locksmith to get a key made 25.00 plus my labor...


the new ignition and column for the plymouth 250.00



so I still havn't gotten the new collumn or ignition for the plymouth... but the ru I did that the next day and it doesn't even run!



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Guess I did it the hard way. I took the lock cylinder out of the door, took the lock cylinder apart (keeping springs/pins in place of course) and pushed the key out far enough so I could grab it with hemos. All done in about 30 min. Couldn't believe how easy it was to get the door panel apart!


Thanks for the other suggestions.

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the lock cylinder comes out very easy, i was very surprised as well. once the door panel is off i found mine came out without really removing anything else, easy access and all.


this is a good tip, title should make it easy to find for the next person that does this. door better than the ignition...then you can't go!

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this is a good tip, title should make it easy to find for the next person that does this. door better than the ignition...then you can't go!


Changed... Prolly should have taken pictures too eh? Oh well... next time I'll try to be better at helping out the board.

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