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Jiffy lube Visit etc.

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Whoa...left myself logged in...may as well say sumthn...

So I was driving by a Jiffy Lube today.... instead of letting their guys slack off collecting a check when they don't have customers, this particular business sends their guys out to the curb with a sign saying "NO WAIT"....most of the time it appears these guys are trying to hide their face behind the sign. Anyway, I'm 1000 miles over and I know I'm not going to get to it myself...there's no wait and I've got some slack time to pull in (guess sending em out curbside works). I've only had this Suby Loyale one year....they pull out my air filter, show it to me and suggest a new one....it honestly didn't look all that bad and I probably would have blown it out with a compressor but I figured what the hell, do me a new one. So I'm home looking over the bill for the "Signature Service" and all the ************ they claim they did (vaccuumed?..yeah right.). If something got added it was noted as a change, like topping off some fluids...brakes, windsheild wash. I see that I was charged for a new filter but didn't see it as a "change item" on bill so I began to think that maybe, with the seemingly five guys scrambling over this car, that the left hand took out my old filter but the right hand didn't put in the new one....SO I get under the hood to check... open the filter housing, and yeah there's some new flimsly looking piece of crap in there, not like the rugged one removed. I pull it out just to observe the "quality" and I look into the housing and I see some mouse has been stock piling seeds there. And these Jiffy Luber ************ers just threw that new filter in with out even mentioning to me this was happening, let alone clean it out. WTF!!!!!


Oh yeah and what's the significance of the rubberized "cover plate" over the intake? Ya know the one that says "Subaru F. I. S."( i realize it means fuel injected).......it looked as though it was about to come loose so I peeled it off to reinstall properly and was surprised to see it had a metal flexible plate attached to the back side. I can't see that this serves any purpose other than a logo display. ??

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Yeah, Jiffy lube type places suck. I will never, ever take my car there. I would change my oil lying in a 6" deep mud puddle in the pouring rain with huge swarms of mosquitos attacking me before I would take my car there.



That F.I. piece has no purpose, BTW.

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I also had a right front blinker not working....so the guy says, "do you want us to fix that"?..... I figure I'm here, it's only been out a few days, let em do it. On the way home, right hand turn....the frkn right hand front blinker is goin warp speed just like it had been yesterday and the day before. It didn't show up on the bill as fixed but I had to roll my frkn eyes when makn that turn.....

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I used to work in a lube shop when I was in Oregon. As far as Jiffy Lube, I would never even go there if my life depended on it. Just because they're cheap, doesn't mean they're good. They like to hire people with no experience and sometimes, they will hire them if they can say two words of english. If I was to ever tak my car to a lube shop in the PNW, it would have to be Oil Can Henry's which is where I used to work. A little more money then the competitors BUT they have a guarantee with it as well. I can't recall how many dissatisfied customers from Jiffy Lube came to us and drove out with a smile after they're visit with us.

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not all jiffy lubes are that way. i got a few buddies that work and manage a couple of shops around spokane, wa. their shop is number one in sales and customer service for their region, area, whatever. they hook me up all the time, all i do is buy my fluids and they take care of me, I probably shouldnt say this could get them in trouble, but I have actually went to their shop and used their tools to change my oil, coolant and, still didnt have to pay! no oil disposal fee, nothin. In my eyes they are a good group. now if your some high calss doc/lawyer or educated idiot, you might not get that of great service, I will admit that.

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"now if your some high calss doc/lawyer or educated idiot, you might not get that of great service, I will admit that."





and that's a ************ed up attitude...


I love that.I watch Chapelle show also."Bytch's I'm rick james now go pleasure charlie murphy."

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