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Took my alternator out yesterday and took it to Autozone.


And they tested it = good.


I put it back in the car and its fine for about 70 miles... then starts acting up again... hmm?


What could it be and does anyone have an alternator they might trade for soemthing I have because I be broke.

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What exactly is the problem?



If it's not charging properly, you could have a bad connection or a bad fusible link that's just barely passing current and gets worse when it warms up. I've also had a bad fusible link cause high voltmeter readings and all sorts of other wierd stuff. Bad grounds also can cause any number of problems.

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One of the alternators that i had was overcharging bad but everytime i got it down to the shop to get it tested and verified that it was in fact the alternator it would act normal cause in the distance from my house to the shop it would warm up and everything would be good for awhile. grumble :banghead:

Ended up replacing it anyways and the problem went away. It could be the opposite of this i suppose. When you alternator is cool everything is ok but once its warm all hell breaks loose? That would be my guess.

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