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Denver Wheelin Meet

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Several people have expressed an intrest, so this is to see who all wants to gather (and when) and do some wheelin.

Initally, i'm thinking a Saturday.... June 3rd is the 1st avail for me, but the 10th would work better. (fresh paycheck that way.)

but let's see what we can co-ordinate.

You don't need to bring a Soob, in fact, long overhang rigs (like an XT) would be bad.

The spot I have in mind is south-ish of the town of Sedalia, and down and off of Palmer Lake Road. Essentially it's a back, back way into Rampart Range.

Sedalia, is off of Santa-Fe/85 south of H-ranch, but before Castle Rock.

No highway (over55) to get there from Denver.

The drive there & up is very scenic, steep in parts but graded.

Then we have options on the way down, and easy part (the way we came up), or a really nasty road, lots of washout, deep gullys, holes.

I lift tires way off the ground in the lifted hatch.

And the trail ends with a decent streem crossing. (hard bottom, easy for stock rig)


So, who wants in?:burnout:

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Well, 1st,

Jerry, yes it's do-able. I did it in my stock hatch. However, I would not reccomend it unless you're very comfortable in you rig and off road. (I don't know how experienced you are.)


It's about a 1/2 mile long section, all downhill and treelined, no (downward) cliffs.

The trail is deeply rutted and washed out in alternating diagonal channels.

Since subies don't really articulate, you drop in a rut, lift the left rear tire way off the ground, then you climb out lifting the right front way up, then you see-saw over into the next rut, lifting the right rear this time, say....

If you're not juuust right withe the steering and the brake modulation, there are 1 or 2 spots you could put it on it's side.

Talking body damage mostly. unlikely you'd be seriously injured.


I like the trail myself. it's a good challenge for a subie, but done right, won't break a thing.



This thread is all about co-ordinating. Let's find a time when several of us can get together. if that's late June, so be it. (but let's figure it out & DO IT!!.)

I want to get some subies on the trail!!!!!:headbang:


Sundays, evenings, Weekends, all good for me. (I'm off work & home by 5 M-F) So long as I have notice not to make other plans.

And I know somebody can't do sunday, that's why i suggested Sat, bu whatever.


Also, I may still be up for it on the 3rd (and 10th and 17....$$ for gas permitting)

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I'm probably the no Sunday guy your thinking of Phil, I always work Sundays. I can't say for sure when I can be in yet. 3rd is highly doubtful for me, 10th possibly a no too. My boy is due in the next 2 and half weeks. Plus the Project POS is in a few pieces, but nothing I couldn't put back together or just leave alone and drive it down in 2-lo. So I may be in for late june, july. If you guys go sooner and I can't make it I expect lots of pics, and some video if possible.

I'm still a newb in Soob wheelin, still try to drive it like my truck off-road...doesn't work that way, so still working it out on my end. Car seems to be very capable I just need to learn it's tricks. Totally different than straight axles, but that's why I built it + bonus of gas mileage.

I still want to go rock slaughter house with some soobs too, even stock ones could make it through most of it with good driving. Has all the fun side obstacles for the rigs and changes with the weather :brow: that is another meet though. ;)

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I'm not sure on the Legacy. I'd say it's do-able, but some body damage is possible.

ALSO: It's not necessary to do the "nasty" trail. The drive up is awesome & tame, and anyone not comfortable, can go back down that same way. The nasty road comes out onto the same paved road a couple miles down from the nice one, so we could split up and rejoin at the bottom.

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