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Any alternative to NIGLUBE RX-2 (Part No.003606000)?

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Picture below of the label on the bottle I use at work almost every day.


I think I slapped some pads in my 96 about a year ago and I don't remember if it had the rubber bushings or not. But I've done tons of other cars that do have them and really haven't noticed any issues.


yep - same bottle i've used for years.


96's definitely don't have them, Subaru's didn't have them until 2000+.


It's odd - I've seen them seize up quick before, within months due to bushings swelling.  I'm not sure what the difference is, maybe different lubes mixing exacerbates the issue or something or how much of the old stuff is cleaned off or not....never noticed why there's such a variance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i ordered what I thought was a pretty expensive O ring from the dealer. Turns out the A$20 got me two O rings - enough to do two calipers, or one axle, like brake pads and shoes come and maybe four little packs of RX2 grease. From what I can see also has instructions in Japanese

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