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co redcone meet

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When I go up there it won't be in my wagon. Ill be taking a real beater roo up there.


Im up for going up there just not down "the cliff" as somebody at the meet described it.

what happend to the optimism at the meet, come on shawn there saying it can't be done lets prove them wrong

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I didnt say I won't do it I said I wanted to go look at what all the fuss is about and I won't be doing "the cliff" in my wagon but rather in one of those 200 dollar regular ol GL's I find off Craigslist with some rust in the rockers and all that. Trim/remove the fenders, upgrade the brakes, upgrade tranny, add welded rear end and head up there with a helmet on and friends along that will pull your unconcious body out of the car when you roll end over end a few times.


Heheehe. Ill laugh now and pay later. Not suicide, controlled happy death.

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I didnt say I won't do it I said I wanted to go look at what all the fuss is about and I won't be doing "the cliff" in my wagon but rather in one of those 200 dollar regular ol GL's I find off Craigslist with some rust in the rockers and all that. Trim/remove the fenders, upgrade the brakes, upgrade tranny, add welded rear end and head up there with a helmet on and friends along that will pull your unconcious body out of the car when you roll end over end a few times.


Heheehe. Ill laugh now and pay later. Not suicide, controlled happy death.

well lets get it on, hey anybody who has done this before, when should redcone be passable lets set a test run date
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LOL, My Bro-in-law lives right near it I will ask him if he's been up there recently and if it's passable.

I will however suggest we hit something a tad lighter maybe slaugher house, etc first. Will also talk to my friend and see if his wife's parents still own the mining claim near the top of Red Cone, if so we could probably just camp there.

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Ill be the one to pick who's riding shotgun for that rare trip. No offense meant this time Jeff. (Rare to be nice to Jeff here).


So other than this cliff what else will be encountered on Redcone trail that makes it a 10/10?

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That's pretty much it. It's the extreme danger of that one hill.

There are some gnarly obsticales on the trail up, ( a buddy twisted his driveshaft in half!! :eek: on his 79 Bronco on one) but they are all optional, and can be driven around.

I did it in a bone stock 78 Bronco. (still, a solid axle V/8 TRUCK)


Other than that hill, the trail is really no worse that that hill you were climbing in the OBW that day up Bunce School. Steep and VERY rocky in places, but basically do-able.


(Disclaimer....It has been 4-5 years since Ive done Redcone, and trails change.....)

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Other than that hill, the trail is really no worse that that hill you were climbing in the OBW that day up Bunce School. Steep and VERY rocky in places, but basically do-able.


I got my bone stock '85 GL at least halfway up Bunce School before it overheated and died (the start of the head gasket problems that developed a year later I think). If it's no worse than that, I might be up for trying it if the '82 GL is progressed enough then (meaning the 5 speed, lift, and pugs on there). Don't know if a stock '82GL would be good.... huh? :dead:



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