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3AT blow out.

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So I decided to go mobbin with a few buddies of mine, we just got done doin a few hill climbs and i lost power. Turns out all my tranny fluid is gone, looks like it came from the passenger side above the cv. Funny thing is it started on the pavement not even on the trail. So maybe a seal or sumthin? gushed out all tranny fluid in 1/4 mile has to be sumthin big lol. Hopefully its done, give me an excuse to get my 5 spd d/r=)

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Have you tried to pinpoint the leak exactly?

The only place in the area you claim are the filler tube for the front diff.

That does not take AT fluid, only gear oil.

The tranny dipstick is on the other side.

Theres a vac line that runs from that side that goes up to the intake, but its not supposed to have any fluid in it.


I suggest you check the cooler lines the run from the drivers side of the tranny to the radiator.

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Theres a vac line that runs from that side that goes up to the intake, but its not supposed to have any fluid in it.



IF there is fluid in the vacuum line from the shift modulator to the intake, you'll need a new modulator... The diaphragm has died in the modulator, intake sucked the fluid out, and you should have had a James Bond smoke screen under hard acceleration for a while now.

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Passenger side above the CV on a 3AT is the aluminum dome covering the governor. If the bolts backed out or the seal failed you could easily pump out much of your fluid. (The vac-modulator will only lower the level in the pan until it is below the pan flange...)

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It sounds like your front tranny seal blew out. A friend of mine had this happen and it just dumped all of the fluid on the pavement and left her stranded. Pull the engine and put in another seal or pull the tranny and do the D/R swap. Personally, I'd do the swap. The D/R is much better for off roading.

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