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92 Loyale Moral support Needed

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I'll try to keep it short. I live on a private narrow lane. My car is parked on the lane and is usually fine. Neighbors constantly have bible study groups come and park in the lane. Twice now within a year my two Subarus have been backed in to by women (young teenage girls) leaving bible study group at night. Last time it was my 2006 Outback. Tonight it was my 1992 Loyale with 99,000 miles.


I am very sad and frustrated. They will pay for repairs but I don't know that I can get it anything close to it's original splendor. Any advice or shared knowledge is appreciated.




First picture is a Loyale (before) picture. Car is in driveway. At time of impact it was parked in front of my house in the lane you see.

tn_PICT0108.jpg(Click to enlarge)

These pictures were taken tonight after impact.




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that sucks man.


sorry to hear about you're loss.


but really that is TOTALLY cosmetic. you could easily just replace the light and live with it.


Or you could bolt a plate to the tailight mounts and use a slidehammer attached to said plate to pull it back out. A little stress relief hammer and dolly work to get the edge crisp. Easily fixable. I can't see it being any more than 2-3 hours labor at a shop (+ paint :rolleyes:)

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So Sad your Subie`s Hit, but at Least the Other Car`s Driver will Pay for the Damage.


I Agree...


...that is TOTALLY cosmetic. you could easily just replace the light and live with it. ...


...Yes, but if you want to Straight that Area, you can do as Gloyale Said. Sometimes a Heavy Rubber Hammer might Help too...


in my Country, if you Leave any Car Parked Always in the Same Spot, other Drivers may think of it as Ornament :eek: and here usually they are the "Hit-and-Go" Kind... You`ll end with an "UFO" Shaped car: Round Corners!

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if a body shop does the work. be fussy, alot of shops will cut corners . especially with older cars, tell them up front you expect the work to be done well, and that if its not done right you wont sign for it till it is right, also ask if they guarantee there work, like if the paint peels in a year , or color fade etc. if not , go to another shop, on the bright side atleast they dont have to fit another pannel or alighn a door pillar, it should be an easy fix for a professional body shop

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I used to work for a self storage company. One afternoon I had stopped in at one of the really ghetto properties. I barely walked in the front door when a young girl came whipping into the parking lot in a U-HAUL truck. Cut the turn wrong and jammed it right into the back corner of my truck. I ended up havingto move the U-HAUL off my truck. She had purchased the insurance. The damage was very similar to yours. Long story short, got a quote from a body shop for $800. Took about 3 weeks to get the check, which was made out to me. A little hammering, bondo and a j-yard tail light. My total cost around $50.

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