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H.B. 2186.. AKA: They want to take our fun away.


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This has been bouncing around for awhile.

But it seems to be getting more attention ATM by the 4x4 boards.


Mainly affects those of us in Oregon, but if it goes through could get picked up by other states.

I put it in the off-road section as it would affect those wanting mud tires and such the hardest.... At least at first. It does cover other things as well.


I know we try to stay away from the political stuff here but this could make the off-road section near obsolete for us in OR. :(


(pulled from another site)


Oregon Introduces Bill to Prohibit Sale of Aftermarket Parts


At the request of Governor Theodore Kulongoski, the Oregon Speaker of the House has introduced legislation (H.B. 2186) to prohibit the sale and distribution of aftermarket motor vehicle parts if alternatives are available that “decrease greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.” The bill is primarily focused on aftermarket tires and would authorize the Environmental Quality Commission to implement enforcement regulations, likely based on a rolling resistance calculation.


We Urge You to Contact Oregon Speaker of the House Dave Hunt and Members of the Environment and Water Committee (Contact Information Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 2186


* H.B. 2186 would regulate vehicle fuel economy, an authority reserved to the federal government.


* H.B. 2186 could ban tires that may have improved performance, handling or appearance features, based solely on a rolling resistance rating. In addition, this program could easily distract consumers from focusing on more important safety issues such as tire inflation and overloading of vehicles.


* H.B. 2186 would force consumers to purchase only original equipment manufacturer (OEM) tires because the program essentially exempts OEM-selected tires and unfairly implies that they are superior to aftermarket products.


* H.B. 2186 could prohibit aftermarket parts designed to either personalize or optimize specific vehicle performance attributes including handling, towing, suspension, fuel economy, etc.


* H.B. 2186 provides broad authority to government regulators and could limit a range of aftermarket parts currently available to consumers based on the subjective determination of government regulators.


DON’T DELAY! Please contact Oregon Speaker Dave Hunt and the House Environment and Water Committee immediately to urge his opposition to H.B. 2186.


Oregon House Speaker Dave Hunt

Phone: 503/986-1440

Email: rep.davehunt@state.or.us


Oregon House Environment and Water Committee


Representative Ben Cannon – Chair

Phone: 503/986-1446

Email: rep.bencannon@state.or.us


Representative Jules Bailey

Phone: 503/986-1442

Email: rep.juleskopelbailey@state.or.us


Representative Phil Barnhart

Phone: 503/986-1411

Email: rep.philbarnhart@state.or.us


Representative Cliff Bentz

Phone: 503/986-1460

Email: rep.cliffbentz@state.or.us


Representative Deborah Boone

Phone: 503/986-1432

Email: rep.deborahboone@state.or.us


Representative Vic Gilliam

Phone: 503/986-1418

Email: rep.vicgilliam@state.or.us


Representative Bob Jenson

Phone: 503/986-1458

Email: rep.bobjenson@state.or.us


Representative Jefferson Smith

Phone: 503/986-1447

Email: rep.jeffersonsmith@state.or.us

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I don't live in Oregon, but I'll email your reps to keep this garbage out of Wa's legislature. For those who are interested in the political side of things, signing up for the SEMA Action Network will get you a monthly email that will alert you to this type of thing.

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Yeah this is originaly from S.A.N. :)

I'm not signed up with any of the sites, but I scan them and watch out for this kind of stuff regularly.


I see this got moved. Now I know next time. :) (we can only hope there will not be a need for a next time)

Edited by TeamCF
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The thing to do now is let every one you know about this, forward links through e-mails for the reps addys, etc. with text of the HB copied to your document or linked so that people can read it. If those interested in stopping this do what they can, it should fail. For their own vehicles: Contractors, plumbers, electricians (lumber/cargo racks decrease mileage as well as trailers) And Businesses: 4x4 shops, performance shops, tire shops, the list goes on... How many businesses will close if this passes? How many will move to Vancouver? Not to mention, in this "economy" none the less... Will we go north to buy our stuff? If we do, will police pull us over for having performance tires on our Legacys (or whatever)? How would they know??? Sounds like they will need more government employees to track, enforce, prosecute, process, ..., ...


I'll be sending my letters off tonight to those listed above!

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VOTE........however the pin head party that starts with a D , that I wont name so I wont offend any one, is hell bent on taking our liberty away. our vote has consequences . (oooh were in a recession so lets spend an ungodly amount of money ) it would be like.. if i lost my job and decided to rack up all my credit cards and print my own money. that should help. all politicians regardless of party say one thing to get elected, and do another thing once there in VOTE VOTE VOTE

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"D"? I thought it was an "S"


"Socialism" is not for me. Big government is not good for us, too many people will become dependent on it, and then what? Aw, h@#$ I should stop now before I really get going.

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