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WCSS 11 - What You Need to know

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We are less than 10 days from the show!


We wanted to take a moment and do a recap of all the information we've given out, in one clear concise thread.


Show Basics:

August 29th, 2009 is the day of the show. You are welcome to camp Friday-Sunday.


Show Schedule:


4pm - Gates open for Campers

Camp Fire that night



10am - Start parking for show & shine

Noon - Start judging

4pm - Finish Judging

5pm - Raffle, Awards

Somewhere in all of that, we'll have the mudpit going.

Camp Fire at night



Cleanup and Go Home


All of this could change, but its what we are shooting for.


There is NO rallyX this year.


If you are going to show up late, we ask you be quiet and considerate of the campers already there. Trust me, you don't want to be "that person".



*edit* Saturday the local Eagles club will be selling Biscuits/Gravy and Coffee at 8, with Hamburgers and Hotdogs, noon to 4 approx.

Saturday evening we have word that Subaru will be serving BBQ and/or chili.

We have also heard that a local vendor may have a BBQ going on Saturday in their booth.


Beyond this, you are on your own. Stevenson is less than a mile away, has several good restaurants, bars, grocery stores, etc... We will have some local info included with the entrance bags, and there is also some good information posted on our website, http://www.westcoastsubarushow.com.



Camping - $10/tent for the weekend

Registration - $10/car at the gate

Shirts - $12/ea

Glasses - $5/ea

Showers - Quarters!


WCSS is a cash only event, unless you have pre-registered, or pre-ordered your goods. To our knowledge, there is no ATM on site, please come prepared.



Camping is field style, and will be roughly divided into a quiet, and a canadian side. Please pick your spots wisely!


There are no open fires allowed. We will have access to a picnic area with large fireplace for the evenings.


There are coin operated showers in the bathroom.



Liquor is not allowed around the show grounds. Obviously we cannot regulate you bringing beer and drinking it at your own tent, but if you have enough liquor that it could be considered distribution we are then liable for distribution of liquor at the show (even if you brought it.)


No kegs. No public intoxication. Period.


This reflects on us as the show organizers and every one of our sponsors, so it is something that we need to keep in perspective otherwise we may not have the backing to continue holding this show in years to come.



Pre-Registration will be closed the night of the 21st! If you don't make it by then, you will have to pay at the gate.


If you are arriving in a caravan, please be aware and patient it may take us some time to get you all processed! It goes faster if everyone is pre-registered.


I hope everyone is as psyched as we are! Please ask your questions here in this thread, and we will do our best to get them answered.



West Coast Subaru Show Committee

Edited by WCSS
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