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Posts posted by kimokalihi

  1. Props to whoever told me about the buy one get one free deal on these wiper blades on tirerack.com. They installed without a hitch and work flawlessly. I was getting so sick of that awful noise the last blades made. Not only that but they hardly even worked.


    About $30 shipped wil get you a pair of Valeo Ultimate wiper blades with 1,500 pressure points! Haha. Instead of your standard 4-6 pressure points. They work great and look good too. I also sanded off all the rust and layed down a couple coats of black and it looks splendid now.


    Plus I stopped at autozone and picked up a couple gallons of wiper fluid for only 99cents each! Steal.

  2. I have a similar question. I have a 90 Legacy AWD wagon and my lights turn on when the ignition is turned and off when you turn the car off.


    Is this normal? Basically, it's impossible for me to leave my lights on in the parking lot unless I leave the keys in the ignition in the run position.


    Reason I ask is, I looked under the hood because I was going to rewire the headlights with better wires and I noticed it's all butchered up already. Someone already replaced the stock wiring. It's run in a completely different way than stock. I know this because I have 2 legacy's of the same year and the other one is stock and the wires for the headlights go into the harness. The ones on my daily driver go loosly hanging into the firewall. They're rusted too and not of good quality at all.


    Either they replaced it because it quit working? Or they modded it so the lights couldn't turn on with the keys.

  3. There is a huge aftermarket for these engines.


    No offense but I completely disagree. The aftermarket for the EJ22 isn't too great. The aftermarket is huge for Honda Civics. There's hardly even any headers for this engine and just as few exhaust systems.


    You can get lightened crank pulleys and underdrive pulleys but I heard that underdrive pulleys are no good anyways. Not many people build these engines.


    So finding an EJ22 car would be your best bet, IMO.

  4. Getting the same problem. When I leave for work at night I'll get into the car and turn the key and nothing happens. I was assuming it had something to do with the starter. It takes a minute or two of clicking the key to get it to finally turn over.


    Can I just grab a starter from the junkyard? Is that a good idea? It just started doing that in the last month and has only done it maybe 2 or 3 times. But when I am on my way to work, I don't want that to be happening lol.


    My car is a 90 Legacy L Wagon 4EAT AWD.

  5. I've bought a few different wipers including bosch and I haven't found a decent brand yet.


    What is the BEST brand?


    I've had these wipers probably 6 months and they were half decent in the beginning but maybe 2 months later they're too stiff and they make the dredded noise that everyone hates.


    My friend has the ricer dual blade wipers on his mazda pickup and they work great. I can't believe it. I hate those things and he's kicking my rump roast with them!

  6. Sylvania Silverstars are the blue ones, right? And the Xtravisions are clear? I want the clear ones.


    I don't know about the xtravisions but I don't like the silverstars at all. Blue lights suck, I've come to find out. On top of that people claim they last anywhere from 9 to 12 months. It's been probably 9 months for me and they're still working but they don't have the output I was expecting for what I paid.

  7. Yeah, I've been to the legacy central site. I quit going there because there's not much traffic there and people don't post much. There is some good info on there though, if you search.


    Anyways, that's basically what I assumed all the spring/strut swaps were for.


    I use my legacy for work and the occasional snowboarding trip. I plan on getting a diesel vw...probably a jetta but I'd like a 2002-2005 golf. I love my subaru but I don't really enjoy the mpg I get from it. I'm I'm VERY light on the gas and cruise at about 50 to work and back each day(2/3 highway the rest 30mpg LIGHT city)I can achieve 25 and a half mpg. But if I drive the way I like to drive, it's about 22 and a half. Which doesn't seem like much of a difference but adds up for almost 150 bucks a year.


    Now if I was getting 45+ per gallon in a diesel golf, well I wouldn't care!



  8. http://www.edesignaudio.com/edv2/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=106



    Elemental Designs is a pretty good company. They make good products and they don't price them too high. The first link is for their 10" SQ sub which has a mounting depth of only 3" and handles 200 watts RMS.




    That site has a wealth of the information you're probably looking for. I've seen tons of installs in the tire well if that's what you're looking to do. With that sub, you could probably even make some sort of enclosure that would allow you to keep your spare tire in the vehicle under the sub.


    Good luck!

  9. 3 years/40K miles


    This goes to show I'm not as crazy as I thought I was. There are others far deeper in the rabbit hole than I am.


    I have never had one get to the point where the "average" shop would have noticed a problem, as the usual means of diagnosing a bad bearing is to shake the wheel, and replace if it is sloppy. I would be scared to run a car under those conditions, but it seems to happen.


    That's what started happening to my car. It was the slightest bit wobbly which caused a tiny amount of shudder. I was not aware of the conesequences of letting the bearing go on in such a state. Therefore, I wasn't sure if it was dangerous or not but the shutter part of it scared me enough to finally fix the problem.


    Actually tonight I was much more afraid. I was driving home from work at about 6AM and my legacy started drifting sideways as if it were on ice. But I KNEW it wasn't cold enough for ice and there wasn't any water on the road. It was kind of wet but not standing water that's for sure! I called the local temp number and it was 38 so ice was factored out. It couldn't have been hydroplaning because that will have a distint feel. You loose control similar to ice but then when you get out of the water it jerks whichever way your wheels are pointed and it's a definate feeling when you stop hydroplaning but this was like you could hardly tell when it was doing it and when it wasn't.


    Then I thought maybe I was imagining things. But it happened again and again and again on the way home. One one corner I didn't think I was going to make the corner. By the time I got home I had decided it was a flat tire. But when I got out and checked, they're all good...


    The steering seems tight. I don't know what's going on. Pretty much scared to drive the thing again.

  10. I have a 90 legacy and 3 of the 4 wheel bearings have gone out now. 284,000 miles I think. I've had it almost a year now and replaced all three. One of them twice.


    The dealer quoted me around 1400 to replace all 4 because I figured if 3 were out, the 4th was sure to follow soon. I paid 400 for the car and put probably 600 in parts, including a 94 auto tranny so it wasn't worth it to me to invest 1400 bucks to replace 4 bearings. Les Schwab quoted me 700 but I don't trust their work.


    Instead I got the entire hub assemblies from the junkyard for 20 bucks a piece and did it myself. Simple job but a pain in the rump roast if you don't have an air compressor with you in the junkyard(which I did not)to break the axle nut loose.


    I myself drove on a bad bearing for about 10 months in this car and things seem to be fine. So I doubt it's going to kill you to wait a while to replace it. I have a feeling the car has had bad bearings for at least 2 years. They were pretty loud.


    I'm assuming an outback in similar to a legacy but I don't know. I've never driven one. Good luck!

  11. Buy a civic?





    It would seem a better investment than a tranny plus install. Especially when you will get much better milage even after you put the FWD tranny in the subaru.


    I've been considering either a civic or diesel jetta but probably the civic because TDIs are $expensive$ and civics are probably way easier to work on/buy parts for.


    2000 civic is rated at 27/39 I think. I can't remember. My girlfriend has one. I'm tempted. I will, of course, keep the subaru because it's AWD and I love it! But my legacy only gets about 23 mpg. I don't drive on the freeway hardly EVER so it's halfway between country roads and city. 23mpg is pretty much horrible. My toyota pickup got 18 or so. Bigger engine, bigger truck, ran terrible.

  12. 175 plus your core for a tranny at my local yard. Or 200 without core. You pull it, 100 bucks more for them to pull it. But I believe the prices are pretty amazing at this junkyard and I haven't been able to find parts this cheap or even close to as cheap anywhere else. Another junkyard around here wants around 500 bucks for one.


    I replaced mine a couple weeks after buying the car. It's a b*tch and I would not recommend doing it alone.


    30 bucks for an entire door. Is that pretty good or am I missing out on some other junkyards? I think they wanted 35 for a power steering unit for my toyota truck and the other yard wanted 85. I think it's 300 bucks for a used running engine. That's not bad.


    I would recommend putting the tranny in yourself(assuming you are up to the job)and it will cost your far less than having the dealership do anything.


    The subaru dealer wanted 1400 to replace my wheel bearings, les schwab wanted 700(get what you pay for haha) and I replaced them myself for 20 bucks each(the whole hub assemblys with the bearings in them)from the junkyard. So 80 bucks do it yourself vs. 1400 dealership...Plus the bearings don't generally go out on this cars and if I got a bad one from the junkyard, I just take it back and exchange for another one for free. My legacy just has a lot of miles(283,000).

  13. HAHA! So did I, and I passed all the sections on the stupid WASL test in 4th, 7th, and 10th grade.


    For others who aren't from washington, it's just some lame test that you are required to pass in order to pass high school and it takes like 2 weeks of testing if I remember correctly. The thing that's stupid about it is that they spend WAY too much time trying to teach the students how to PASS the test instead of actually teaching them the sort of things that we need to know how to do to get a passing grade. ex - basic algebra skills would help a lot of students.


    Anyways, I use the same procedure to check my MPG as well and I don't get anywhere near that, which is why I found it hard to believe. Just making sure there wasn't some other factor feeding your MPG results.


    A lot of people will just say,"I have half a tank, therefore I must have used 8 gallons to travel 200 miles. Which means I got 25 mpg!" Which is by no means correct but lots of people do that.


    Isn't your second half supposed to go faster than your first half according to the gauge? Thought I heard that somewhere before.

  14. And a loud Subaru just sounds like a mad VW to me.


    I like my subaru quiet as well so I can hear my music or just enjoy some peace and quiet once in a while. I remember when I got the car I had to keep checking the RPM gauge to see if it had died!


    But I must say, I've heard several WRXs with full exhausts and they sound amazing. They're mean! They sound nothing like the hondas with ricecans on them.


    I only like exhausts that are nice and deep(I hate the high pitch crackle snap rice sound)or something like a lamborghini. You know how those sports cars sound.

  15. Yes, the purpose of baking them in the oven is to melt the glue(pretty much tar, don't touch that stuff to anything when it's melted or it's a real *************** getting off and it sticks instantly)so you can pry the lens apart enough to remove the amber insert. You don't have to get it all the way apart, I got it part way open and reached in and pulled out the amber piece.


    I used a flathead screwdriver to carefuly pry the lens off but be careful because it can chip easily. All in all, it's not hard to do. I made the mistake of leaving it in for 10 or 15 mins the first time and melted the lenses but I had a spare pair so it didn't really matter and I'll never make that mistake again and hopefully with that said, neither will anyone who I've spoken to about it.


    Good luck!

  16. My Legacy is nearing the 300,000 mark but it's not the original engine or tranny(about 10,000 miles ago it got a 94 4eat and I have no idea when the engine was replaced because that was before I got it).


    I think I'm going to get a honda though next year to get some decent mpg for once(awd isn't cheap on gas like FWD is). But I think I'll probably keep my legacy because I snowboard a lot and it's perfect for that with the 60/40 split rear seat. Plus it runs flawlessly and I love that.

  17. tail1.jpg



    It's fine as long as you replace it with an amber bulb. You have to bake the headlights in the oven (the minimum temp on my oven is 200F which may be a bit too high but I managed to get it right the SECOND time lol. Try 150F and keep checking it every few minutes or else...see 2nd picture). There's just an amber piece of plastic insert inside the taillights that comes right out.


    I think it looks much better. I wanted it red too and I saw a legacy that had gotten most of them red and left a about an inch or so on the bottom clear for the blinker and I thought it looked really good but I don't know how he pulled that off.

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