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Posts posted by kimokalihi

  1. I will second that. One of the wires that goes to my maf got fried halfway down the wiring harness because it got too close to the exhaust pipe that went into the intake manifold on my toyota pickup. Took me forever to figure out what was going on but I similar symptoms.


    I think what happened was it grounded out on the pipe and was sending a signal that told the computer that there wasn't any air coming into the intake and it wasn't giving the engine hardly any gas.


    Different situation but I can see how it could be the MAF, without the MAF you're screwed.

  2. Used Trans are $750 or so from the yards, same for engines


    I'm not sure about engines at my local junkyard but I know from experience that a 4EAT will run me $175 with core, $200 without. I threw a 94 4EAT in my 90 wagon with 120,000 miles on it (280K on my car!) and it's running excellent ever since 9 months ago.


    I'm pretty sure a 2.2 would cost about 300 bucks at the junkyard where I got the tranny. But they do have the BEST prices I have ever heard of/seen from any junkyard before. Another one around here wants like 400 or more for a tranny. Which is not worth it to me at all because you don't even know if the damn thing works good until you put it in and installing/uninstalling 4EATs are a major pain in the rump roast and not something you want to keep doing over and over.

  3. How did you relocate the blinkers from below the bumper to the corner lenses next to the headlights? I found some JDM glass halogen driving light lenses that install down there but the blinker sockets won't install in the corner lenses.


    Well, I cut the connectors off both the blinkers and the corner lights and rewires the corner light connector onto the blinker wires. After I lenthened them, of course.


    BEWARE! This will cause the blinkers to flash twice as fast! I haven't been able to solve this problem and I think it's because the circuit for the corner lights is now open. I don't know how to fix this because it's no longer being used. Others have told me that it's because I soldered the wires together and this caused more resistance but I am leaning towards the open circuit theory.


    I cut the bumper a little and had to cut the mounting piece off the driving lights but after that they pretty much fit right in. Then I had to drill a new hole in them and in the bumper to mount them. They work pretty good for 10 dollar harbor freight lights HAHAHA! Maybe I'll get some better ones when I can afford them.

  4. 90 Subaru Legacy


    When I got this car I noticed how dim the headlights were. Then I went out and got sylvania silverstar because the guy at the store told me they were the brightest legal bulbs on the market. He's full of crap. These bulbs are harsher on the eyes of the oncoming traffic but do not improve your vision. In fact I think they are worse than the stock bulbs were.


    The silverstars are white and they don't light things up very visibly or thoroughly like yellow ones seem to do very well. Does anyone know any bulbs that will light the road up a lot better than silverstars?


    If you drive in a newer stock vehicle like a dodge ram/caravan/neon or a vw jetta or basically any of the newer(96+?)vehicles they have excellent stock headlights that blow mine away! I only named these because those are the vehicles my family and friends own.


    Are the early gen legacy headlights just crap and it won't matter what bulb I throw in it? I don't think there are any after market headlights for this car...in fact very little aftermarket at all for this car.


    I moved my blinkers up to the corner lights yesterday and today I installed driving lights where the blinkers used to be. Took a small bit of cutting but I got them in there pretty nicely and they have improved my poor visibility but not as much as I would like.


    Forgot to mention that I have sanded, acetoned and clear-coated my headlights already and this didn't help much, if at all. It looks much nicer now that they're not yellow but it didn't really let anymore light through.


    Does anyone know how I can wire my driving lights to my high beams? To the relay so they aren't wired together directly. I've never messed with a relay before.




    The two blank looking spots in my grill are holes where the driving lights used to be but I couldn't get them to stay aimed right when they were in the grill.

  5. 90 Legacy AWD wagon 4EAT


    I replaced my cracked taillights yesterday and I took my blinkers out of my bumper and rewired them to the corner lights. I did this because I'm going to mount fog lights where the blinkers were. Right now they're in my grill but I can't get them to stay aimed where I want them due to the way they're set in the grill.


    Anyways, now my blinkers flash really fast. The way they do when one of them is burnt out. But they're not. They work just fine, all four. I can hear the relay clicking like crazy when they're on. At first I thought that it was because I cut the wires for the corner lights and soldered the wires to light connector in the corner lights to the turn signal wiring. But then I realized that the corner lights were both burned out ever since I got the car so what does it matter anyways? (I bought new bulbs for them when I did this whole thing)


    My second problem is that a light comes on in my gauge cluster every once in a while that says "stop lamp". It happens when I hit the brakes but only every once in a while. It'll do it for maybe 30 seconds every time I push the pedal in. I held the pedal in when it did this and had a friend go behind the car and check the taillights and they were working fine...So I really don't understand what this is trying to tell me.


    Thanks in advane for any info anyone has.

  6. I guess subaru engines must be more complicated than Toyota 22RE truck engines. I pulled mine (and put it back in)a couple months ago to fix a coolant leak/broken bolt in the back of the engine in about 5 hours from start to finish.


    Haven't had a reason to pull my EJ22 out yet. I was told they're very easy to do though. I'm sure it's got to be easier than pulling the 4EAT. I had to do that right off the bat when I got the car.

  7. I just sold my truck for 1400 bucks because I'm broke right now and unemployed. I also have 2 subaru legacy 90 wagons. One is my daily driver. One will be going up for sale real soon.


    I will be getting a job at a nearby casino once I finish up my dealing class there(5 more weeks, halfway done!). The guy teaching the class says with the toke rate at what it's at now, we'll be making at least 16 bucks an hour. Which I figure is good enough money to support myself and pay loan payments.


    I've had 3 vehicles and all of them have had pretty major problems with them that I've always had to waste money on parts and time on fixing them. I want a vehicle that will go for a long time without major problems. So I'm thinking that once I get this job for a while, I'll take out a loan and maybe get my mom to co-sign it and buy a Forester!


    I like the looks of them a lot and I love having AWD. Subarus are very good cars and I'll stick with them.


    But just so I know what to look for when the time comes...


    -What years are the best?

    -What price am I looking at for these years?(general idea, of course)

    -I hear wheel bearings go out on these cars? Anything else?

    -Anymore info I should know before buying them?


    I want to build a very nice SQ(sound quality)sound system in it. I snowboard a lot too so I think this would be perfect to get me up to the pass in the snow.



  8. I can't afford another set of tires and the all seasons were purchased earlier this year so I think it'll be fine. It only snows where I live maybe 3 times a year and it's only a couple inches. But I do snowboard a lot during the winter. We drove a diesel jetta (I love those things) up there last winter several times without chaining up and it just had regular stock tires on it.

  9. Did you get their information? I'd be pissed.


    I parked my car in the school bus loading zone one time because I was doing detention and forgot the busses parked there to get the kids(Hadn't ridden the bus in probably 4 years).


    When I got out of detention and walked outside to my truck, I saw immediately from probably 100 feet away that my door had a huge dent and the mirror was smashed all the way forward and yellow paint streaks lined the side of my truck.


    My truck is already pretty beat up from going offroad but I was pissed because it was obviously a hit and run(at the time I didn't know it was the schoolbus!).


    I learned from witnesses that the bus had parked behind me anyways and tried pulling out but since the rear end is extended so far past the rear wheels it swung around and found it's target.


    The bus driver got out and looked at my truck and waited around for a few minutes but eventually left to do it's route. The bus garage was notified and they looked at the truck and determined there was no damage!


    Not only can you see yellow paint on my truck but when I looked at the bus there's my navy paint all down the side of the bus and a black line from my mirror!


    They made me go get quotes from body shops and I got 1800 and 2100 in damage. Then they sent "their own quote guy" to make an estimate and they estimated 1300. It took them 4 or 5 weeks but they eventually sent me a check for like 2400 bucks. They said they were going to take 10% off because it was partially my fault but I think they took 10% off the original number and added the 90% back onto the original estimate. My mom didn't want to cash the check because she's paranoid about things like that but I made her.


    Then I paid off my truck and my car. Props to LAIDLAW for hiring crappy drivers!

  10. I got my lagacy from a guy who was staying at my house for a couple months (divorce) and he gave it to my parents for letting him stay here. Trouble was, his daughter had the car and she was a meth head and didn't get along with him.


    We transfered the title to my parents name and then call the cops and had them go to the daughter's place and take the car from her because she would not cooperate. She didn't believe us that we owned the car and she called the cops but they were already on the way and they told her it was ours lol. She would not give us the keys so my step dad broke the ignition and used a screwdriver to start it.


    I went to my local junkyard and got a new ignition and all the locks on the car and when I got home to put them in, I realized the lock for the driver side door was broken inside and could not be fixed. The passender side lock wouldn't fit in the driver side handle, so now I have no locks.


    If I grab a new ignition and locks from another subaru, can I go to the dealer with the vin from that car and have keys made?

  11. Originally Posted by Manarius

    The amount of error in your speedo won't increase that much if you change your tire height.



    Yeah it will, ask the cop that gave me an 85 in a 60, my speedo said 55


    How big of tires are you running! There's no way you got 30 mph difference form changing to taller tires. I don't believe that for a second. I changed from I think 28" tires to 31" tires on my truck and the difference is like 5 mph at around 70mph or something like that I can't remember.

  12. But I can't seem to remember if I did or not and I can't find the post so maybe I didn't. Bad memory(horrible actually), sorry.


    I have 2 studded snow tires that are mounted on two subaru steelies and a 90 legacy AWD wagon 4EAT with 4 all season tires on subaru steelies. All 6 tires are the same size.


    Is it ok/beneficial to put these two tires on my car when I go snowboarding this winter? Will this mess with my AWD? If it is beneficial and safe to do, should I put them on the front?


    I have not had this car very long so I don't know how it does in the snow. I've never had an AWD before, I just have my 4WD toyota pickup.


    I have probably 90+% tread on the all season tires. How do you think they'll perform in the snow? Is it even necessary to bring chains or mount studded tires to go up the pass?

  13. Why chance it though? You know it's going to break right when you need the car the most(mine broke while I was passing 2 vehicles, one of which was a truck pulling a big horse trailer)or in the middle of nowhere in the rain.


    Then you'll have to tow $$$ it and pay a ton of money for someone to fix the engine for you, assuming you don't know how to do it yourself. Or you can do it yourself and it will still be a pain in the rump roast and you'll hate your life for making the stupid mistake.


    Luckily, my engine is non-interference and my step dad has a big Dodge cummins 2500 with a trailer fit to haul a large bulldozer. I just picked up the belt and slapped it on there and it's run flawlessly for the past 8 months. I didn't know when the belt was last replaced or if it had ever been because it broke the 2nd day I had the car.


    But the choice is yours.

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