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Posts posted by Markuss

  1. I have a 1999 Forester i just bought that needed a new head gasket on the driver's side left.I had the head milled and installed properly torque etc..,the engine almost immediately started blowing white smoke and vomiting coolant out the tail pipe (burning coolant).Took the head out and had it pressure tested,tested good,The only thing I could see wrong was the steel rings on the upper short block(the rings you can hang the head gasket on?)One of them is pushed almost completely into the block,Could this be my problem????  :wacko:.Thank You 

  2. I have a 1988 GL-10 that was orginally a turbo car,I put a regular SPFI engine in itI have the wire harness and ECU from that engineThe old wire harness that is in the car just does not match up to the turbo harness,Will I have to pull the old turbo harness and install the SPFI harness and ECU?If so How is it routed?and the best way of Pulling the old harness and installing the right harness for this engine?Thank You Very Much in advance!

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