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dave valiant

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Posts posted by dave valiant

  1. A pipe wrench will get that thing off. Take the skid plate off put the pipe wrench on the plug. I have been doing oil changes for a living for quite a while and the pipe wrench always works. Heating the drain plug with a propane torch will also do wonders for you. Dont drill. the oil will be very bad for your drill. Dont chisel. You miss and you just might put a hole in your pan. Bob Dole knows it you know it and the American people know it. A pipe wrench is your friend.

  2. Sorta OT. I bought an 88 wagon from Chef_Tim a couple of years ago. When I went to get the car I had gotten off work at 1:00 am drove across SD to TIms, hung out with him and Vicky then headed back home. I was so tired that I kept misreading the door lock light as good luck. I thought it was nice that the car was wishing me well on the trip home.

  3. Michelin XCX/APT is the greatest tire ever. I want to get a set of 15" pugs so I can get a set. They are a light truck SUV tire and they last forever. I have seen Jeep Cherokees with 80,000+ miles on those tires and still have 6/32 on them. They would last forever on my GL. They are expensive, but very,very worth it.

  4. I just installed 4 new Sony 6" speakers in my 87 wagon. The fronts went in pretty straight forward but the rears dont have the spacer like the and I can't get the fronts do and I cant get the door panels back on all the way. Is there a spacer that you can buy to fix this problem. I think a one inch would be enough.

  5. Sounds like the common problem of air trap. I did not see your reason for thinking the head gasket was bad. Let the engine cool and take of radiator cap and start engine with heater on put more coolant in ever times the engine sucks a little more down. I would try this first or if you already have I would try it again.

    I have done this a couple of times. I actually did it today even though the problem was not rearing its ugly little head. It has only over heated on me twice. I shut it off and checked the coolant level in the over flow. I never opened the rad when it was showing hot on the gauge. but I would top off the coolant in the over flow and it would get sucked in.

  6. I finally crawled in and looked for the relays tonight. I did not see them on the steering column. When you say up higher on the dash do you mean in the same general area as the steering column? I was working in low light conditions and could not get a good look up that far. I am just wondering if I am loking in the right place. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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