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Can you see Subaru Coolant Conditioner?

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My brother recently bought a 2002 Legacy Wagon. The dealership had just done a tune up and changed all the funds. When he looked in the coolant overflow, he could see some gray blobs. He asked about them and they said it was a system sealer that they had put in. He assumed that meant something that would potentially plug up the heater core, so he told them he wanted the coolant replaced. They did so.


Today he and I were talking about the various HG problems that have affected various generations of Subarus. BTW, he is no dummy, he is a master BMW mechanic and has owned many Subarus. This is his first 2.5. Anyway, I was telling him about the second gens having the external, rather than internal problem, and about the HG conditioner from Subaru. He got wondering if that was what he was seeing, and wished that the dealer had explained it the way I did. He is going to check into it and be sure he has the conditioner.


So my basic question is, if the conditioner had just been added, could you see it? Would it look like that? I have never seen the stuff.


A related question, my 09 has the blue coolant. Would it have the conditioner already from Subaru, or is that something I need to get at some point?

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He is talking to a friend of his now that is a good independent Subaru mechanic. He is understandably leery of putting any kind of stop leak in his vehicle.. I told him that a lot of people on this forum have had great results..


My 09 has the new blue coolant in it. Is this something that should be added at a certain point in it's life?

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Thanks. Yes, the blue coolant is quite lovely. Matches the exterior paint.


But I must say that I am a little disappointed that you guys can't mind-read the dealer and tell me if my car has already been treated. Quite disappointing. Guess I'll have to make a phone call.


I don't seem to be able to get used to the fact that the car came from a dealer, there is a dealer involved, the car has a warranty, etc.

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