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Loyale Timing belt covers melted?????


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...ps whats the best way to do body work on these sheet metal bodys? (besides a rubber mallet of course)


For Metal Sheet Work, I Kindly suggest you to see This Writeup:




...I see no reason to have them, and if I ever end up with another EA82, I'll chuck those covers as well.


Have you think about a Power Steering Fail?


I've seen the Tiny hose Blow and other Power Steering pump problems that Blows a huge amount of Oil to the Engine's Front... I don't know how the T-Belts can manage that: the Covers will keep a great part of the PS oil outside.


Will the T-Belts Slip if they get Too oily?


Kind Regards.

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Got my engine in the air today and took off my covers (did not get it all the way out unfortunately AC is a lot harder to take off)

Any ways I found that the belts didnt snap....now I dont know what else to look for as appose to why my engine wont start....:(


ps whats the best way to do body work on these sheet metal bodys? (besides a rubber mallet of course)



I m ay have a tape with cam towers somewhere. I did attempt to video a cam tower rebuild (replace hla's) but i was by myself and was too messy to wrangle the camera, and put it down half way through.


I have a spare engine on a stand that i may tear into for the sake of videos, that would get into HG and top end service. you can subscribe to my channel. but be patient with the release of the next video(s)

The next installment will be axles and wheel bearings/brakes


The oil pump should be covered in the existing videos.

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go to the youtube channel (www.youtube.com/milesfox") and click the subscribe button.


you may need to register a login at youtube to do so. you should be able to log in at youtube with a google username, i.e gmail account or other google service.


It will send you an email when new videos are posted.

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You pulled your engine to check your timing belts?:eek: All you had to do is pull the two outside covers and look while someone cranks the motor or crank it by hand to check the belts.


I took my engine out to re do all gaskets belts..ext

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