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Can an injector leak this much?

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1995 Legacy.  Changed oil a few weeks ago and within days the car exhaust started to smoke on start up.  Checked dipstick and about 3 inches above full. Drained oil thinking somehow I replaced 5 quarts instead of 4.  Well, engine now shows again way overfilled and has the blue-smoke screen on start up. 


Thinking an injector is leaking but is a quart possible in such a short time?  Car only driven several 2-mile runs daily.  Got to have my coffee and doughnuts. 


Edit:  Engine has over 300K miles with original injectors.  Heavily leaning to replacing all 4. Anyone have a good recommendation for remanufactured injectors. No way will go the new route. Car just too old.  

Edited by john in KY
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John, you are a good dyi mechanic to know that you can't drive the car under this condition. The extra fuel leaking down past the piston rings causes poor engine lubrication, and the gas vapors in the oil sump can cause an explosion. Suggest you replace all injectors sourced from a wrecking yard. Regards, Rooster2

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I parked the car this morning and have no plans on using it until problem resolved. Just grateful the problem appeared now and not 2 weeks from now.  Need to make a 1200 mile trip to Ohio to visit my sister, that's what I told the wife, but really going to pick up a low mileage 2.2 I scored on eBay. Wife would not be happy if I returned with an oily engine in the back of her LL Bean. She hates the 95, refuses to even ride in it but it's my beater.  She wants me to scrap it, buy a truck but I keep reminding her we have a truck, a 66 Dodge Camper Special. Thing is she refuses to ride in it also. We obviously view vehicles differently. 

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I had some leaking like that, and it was just the o-rings. Make sure to pull the plugs and spin any gas out when you're done. First one I did, replaced the o-rings, put the injector back, knew gas had leaked into the cylinder, thought, "Ah, I'll try to crank it. If it's too full, it just won't crank." But it did. And instantly fired up, bending the connecting rod of the cylinder with fuel in it... bad day.

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I had some leaking like that, and it was just the o-rings. Make sure to pull the plugs and spin any gas out when you're done. First one I did, replaced the o-rings, put the injector back, knew gas had leaked into the cylinder, thought, "Ah, I'll try to crank it. If it's too full, it just won't crank." But it did. And instantly fired up, bending the connecting rod of the cylinder with fuel in it... bad day.

Yikes, I'll definitely take your advice. 

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Pull th injectors out and check the o-rings first. Probably just needs those.

check the fuel pressure regulator for leaks as well. Pull the vacuum hose off and check for liquid fuel in the hose.


If those check out OK pull the vacuum hose for the evap purge solenoid and see if there's liquid fuel in there.

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You're probably right.  Have 4 injectors coming my way in the mail and ordered all new O-rings this morning. Pulled one injector this afternoon just to see how difficult it is.  Hoping all the parts get here Friday or Saturday and can have it up and running by Sunday. 



"pull the vacuum hose for the eval purge solenoid and see if there's liquid fuel in there."


​Not familiar with that part. Where located?

Edited by john in KY
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