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Hey Guys


I have a 2004 GX Impreza and I get this weird thing occasionally where there is a ticking noise coming from the fuze box under the steering wheel and at the same time the stereo and clock switch off for the 1 second the noise happens


It seems to be random, it sometimes doesn't happen for a week and then other times it does it 15 times on one journey.


I have noticed sometimes it happens when im going around a corner, so the steering wheel seems to be on its side. Is it possible the wheel is pinching some cables and causing it to short out or anything like that?

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Is it possible that a fuse is loose or needs replacing before it blows? -SQ93


Set there at idle and then reach up in there and _gently_ move/shake/jiggle the harnesses and stuff back there and see if it happens then (perhaps a loose connection?).
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  • 8 months later...

digging up an old thread here...


this just started happening to me this morning...


went out to my new 2000 Forester S and nothing happened when I turned the key... nothing at all... didn't even have enough juice for the dome light or power locks...


opened the hood and pushed the battery cables on tighter and PRESTO it starts and I'm on the road to work...


however, I notice a ticking noise, like a quiet blinker relay under the dash to the left of the steering column... it goes away for 30 seconds then comes back for a minute, and repeats the cycle...


very annoying...


when I got to work I turned the car off but left it on accessory to hear the last part of what they were saying on the radio... that's when it started cycling the radio and compass pod back-lighting dark and bright as if I were turning the lights or the key on and off...


I've had the car for a couple weeks and I've never heard this ticking, and now it's suddenly doing it a lot... it's like the Tell Tale Heart is in my dash...


any ideas other than jiggling the harness near the fuse box? I'll try that when I leave for lunch, but it seems like something needs to be reset...




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first thing to do is to remove your battery cables, clean them, clean the battery terminals, then put everything together tight. See if this has any effect.


yeah, that will be my evening entertainment after work... although everything seems to work fine, I just didn't have time to grab a wrench and make sure they were secure...




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I think I may have figured it out...


since the ticking noise was coming from the approximate location of the keyless entry reset/programming button I thought maybe it was that... today at lunch the ticking starting immediately when the car was powered up... so I held down the button and it stopped... it didn't come back the entire hour... I'll see how my drive home is...


I don't have any fobs for my keyless entry, so I didn't even think of it at first...


for others interested here's the info on my keyless entry system: http://www.cars101.com/subaru/keyless.html#code%20alarm


had I read about the flashing lights thing I would have got out to see if the parking lights were indeed flashing... that would have been the obvious indicator... since I'm going to re-seat the battery cables tonight maybe I'll check it out...




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