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ea81 door ajustment


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if i adjust the striker out the door latches without slamming, but the door ajar light on the dash comes on. if i adjust it in the problems reverse. with the striker adjusted out the body lines on the top of the door line up, but the bottom (front and back) show the door being an half an inch out.

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although it is irrelevant to your problem (i think) another old trick in tweaking door alignment is to put a penny or two under the hinge, where it bolts onto the doorjamb. This has the effect of moving the door closer to the rear of the car; if you only shim one hinge it can also rotate the door slightly. Putting a penny under the bottom hinge would tilt the back side of the door up slightly, the top hinge would have the opposite effect.


Like I said, it may have no bearing on your adjustment.. but its another tip for door adjustment, in general. now anyone who finds this thread will read that, too. :grin:

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Your door may also be tweaked. Our older Soobs are not built with heavy guage metal and over time can warp or twist, depending on climate, how its been used(abused) and if the stars are lines up funky. I would try and tweak it back by placing your leg on the outside bottom of the door and holding it in place while pulling on the top and trying to twist it a little. Some of you are probably guffawing by now:rolleyes: But trust me, this can work sometimes.

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