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Happy Birthday to Brumhilda!

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well, it happened today, Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - Hildy has turned 250,000 miles!! :clap: and still going strong!! :headbang:


I have NEVER owned a car before that i would have trusted with this many miles, nor celebrated the fact! hehe, gotta love them Subaru's!


Now to get her new sister, a '90 Legacy LS, up and running down the road...


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:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: Woooohooo Hildie!!!!!


Bucky has a way before catching up...he is at 202,000 but he doesnt get driven to much till his brakes are fixed...Rocky the demon child...he has a LOOONNGG way..24,000 on the motor...167,000 on the body......and I right now would still trust Bucky till the end of the earth..and Rocky ..till the end of the pier:lol: ;)

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Superbrat - yeah, 250K isnt that much for a Subie, i know...unfortunately Hildy has a bad case of salt cancer that is spreading faster than i can keep up with it, so she will end up retired before the year is out (shhh, not too loud, she doesnt know yet) Damn Wisconsin winters anyway...

it's gonna be hard to take her off the road, but it is one of those inevitable things. That is why i need to get the Legacy up and running - well...she runs, but needs the suspension replaced (blown airbags) and a new exhaust - just waiting on the parts right now....


Connie - yours are still babies yet!! :grin: especially Rocky (or is it Damien?? LOL)

Our "youngest" is the 88 Coupe with 135K give or take a little - in the process of becoming an RX clone with 14" pugs...but that is a whole nother thread...

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