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I am learning how to do double clutch down shift (usually just 1 gear down) so I try to blip the Eng to 2500 to 3k. I know it's gonna be hard on some components but I would like to know what... cause if it's gonna make they last half their life I might just as well wait till I'm rich and famous to learn how to do it.


Thanks all!



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double clutching doesn't really hurt any engine components except due to the extra revs. it can waste a bit more gas to.


it is really good for the syncros in the trans though (if done correctly) as it will cause no wear on them because you are doing the job of the syncro by double clutching.


I do it on my impreza as more of a habit. The old brat had worn out syncros so i had to double clutch to downshift. learning how to do it, then getting good at it can take some time. It was a really steep learning curve for me as it would grind if i got it wrong. doing it for first gear on the newer cars makes it nice and smooth to enter the gear.


i heel-toe and double clutch. it's really fun once you get the hang of it. Old people love it to! it throws them into a 'back in my day' speach.:banana:

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double clutching doesn't really hurt any engine components except due to the extra revs. it can waste a bit more gas to.


it is really good for the syncros in the trans though (if done correctly) as it will cause no wear on them because you are doing the job of the syncro by double clutching.


I do it on my impreza as more of a habit. The old brat had worn out syncros so i had to double clutch to downshift. learning how to do it, then getting good at it can take some time. It was a really steep learning curve for me as it would grind if i got it wrong. doing it for first gear on the newer cars makes it nice and smooth to enter the gear.


i heel-toe and double clutch. it's really fun once you get the hang of it. Old people love it to! it throws them into a 'back in my day' speach.:banana:


Extra rev? Isn't that I need to do (rev match) all the time when I need to double clutch downshift? Upshifting seems to be a lot easier but downshifting seems to take a lot of work esp. I got some tfc on the road... not good for practice and I can't seems to find a road that has less tfc and straight. Oh well

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read the wiki link up above and make sure you understand what is going on when you double clutch.


double clutching upshifts is rather redundant and useless. it is really only applicable while downshifting.


rev matching and double clutching are two very different things.

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youre talking about rev matching. it bothers me when these stupid movies talk about double clutching as if these cars have no syncros. and i would say its okay to not double clutch as theyre there for a reason and are going to be worn.


you really just have to get to know your gears... just practice reving it a little bit in the time between you shift from 5 to 4 or 4 to 3 or something..


once you learn where it should be youll get better at it.. so even dumping the clutch wouldnt realyl hurt it because its not putting any more strain than there was already since the rpms are matched.


i wouldnt say its good for it until you get it right though.. cuz then if you over rev it and pop clutch then its just potentially more torque going through the drive train but still doesnt have the power to break the tires loose so it just strains the whole system.

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i rev-match/heel-toe as a habit, its how i was taught how to drive a manual car, i have yet to burn up a clutch doing so, also when you down shift the engine cuts the fuel, i average about 29mph in my impreza that is not near stock, and i don't go easy on it on freeway on ramps/junctions.

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Thank you for all the replies... I understand it's gonna hurt the car a bit until I get it right. I just don't know how hard it will hurt them cause I don't wanna destroy my car any time soon (yup... college student). I usually pretty gentle with my car but I want to learn and make driving more fun. That's why I go for a stick.:banana::banana:

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Well the thing is if you do proper double clutching your not going to hurt anything. Your transmission has synchronized gears, which is what did away with the need to learn double clutching. Now if you get a trannny with tired synchros then it will help. Unfortunitly you sort of need a transmission that has no or tired synchros (or a truck with a stick) to know your doing it right.


Now clutchless shifting on the other hand is trickey and a talent, and should be practiced on someone elses car :grin:



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hahah clutch less shifting would make driving a bit more fun too - you could learn on my room mates car.. hah - it pains me to know that people like him drive stick. i cant even stand to be within earshot of his car while he is driving it..


but i think learning to heel to is much more fun and useful


so just keep practicing and think about what is going on as youre doing it.. youll get it pretty soon.. try under revving and over and just vary it up a few times.. youll get it. it really be that bad unless your over reving by liek 3000 rpm where the amount of torque being put down is putting strain on your drivetrain cuz it cant break the tires free.


its really hard to get it 100% of the time anyway.



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I am a truck driver and double clutching is a necessity (somewhat). It takes a lot of practice to do it correctly but being that your cars trans is sycronized, you will not really get the "feel" if you are doing it right. When I first started to learn how to drive a truck several years ago, I couldn't shift up or down without some "grindage". Now the only time I ever use the clutch is to start and stop. I never use it to upshift or downshift. Upshifting is easier, but you would have to get the trans into neutral right as you are coming off power to move the trans to the next higher gear and let if "float" into the next cog all without "grindage". Downshifting is almost the same as upshifting except as you bring the trans to neutral, you lightly apply thottle "think feather" , bring the trans to neutral, goose the throttle and "float" to the lower gear. The whole downshift procedure is done in well under 1 second. It just takes practice. Double downshift is something you really don't want to do in your car unless you are lugging the engine (below 1000 rpm's). Have fun and don't kill your car. And you might want to practice in a parking lot.:lol:

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...Double downshift is something you really don't want to do in your car unless you are lugging the engine (below 1000 rpm's). ...


I suppose double downshift means double clutch downshift?


I don't know why but my trans doesn't really like going from 5th to 4th... When I'm going on the hwy and need to go to 4th for a turn, it blocks me. I suppose the syn is a goner (not entirely sure). So after I heard about the rev-match (I know it's not double clutch but you need to rev match when you downshift anyways) and it seems to help a bit... I just been doing it for a week and I think I get 5th to 4th down pretty good... 4th to 3rd is ok... 3rd to 2nd... ehh... wear your seat belt:grin:

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How is your clutch pedal, you may need to bleed it if it is hydraulic or adjust it if it i s a cable. You might also try a trans fluid change. I don't have any experience with it but alot of guys here swear by a product called Redline. They have said it smooths out shifts and makes them easier.:) Do a search on it, it may be what you need to make your trans work good again!:banana:

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