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Cpt. Stooby

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Sure, that way you can blow it up twice as fast!
















I cant believe I said that..........but sadly its true :rolleyes:

Yes sadely your right. i honestly have no idea if its even possible to do this to one but ive had an ea82t before and i those things have enough trouble running at their stock pace. with a twin turbo set up unless you put some serious mods into it i doubt that motor will live to see its next oil change.

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I just got my sooby loyale a few months ago and have been fixing it up... i already want to put a lift on it, but am having a weird clunking noise while accelerating... need to to fix that before i lift it.. already wanting to turbo it.. lol

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Lol I thought so as well. But if I wanted to how would I go about modding my engine to handle it


run 2 mpfi's with a custom manifold and 2 injectors per cylinder.

forged pistons

head studs instead of bolts, impossible find, one off custom order


somehow make 2 water pumps or some way to run coolant for each side of the engine segregated.

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Having two pathetically small turbo's instead of one.... to what end?


The engine still can't handle more than about 10 psi without serious reliability issues.


There are only two reason to do a twin-turbo setup:


1. You need more CFM at a given pressure.


2. You run them sequentially. This is done using one small turbo and one large turbo. You can't use two of the same size turbo for a sequential setup.


So.... you can't do #2 because you don't have two turbo's that are different in size. If you aquired another turbo that was larger than the VF7 it would do you no good because the engine still can't stand anything over 10 psi.... thus it would never really spool at all. And since the nominal pressure of the VF7 is around 7 psi.... the whole idea behind it being no turbo-lag due to tiny little turbo that spools instantly..... the whole point of the sequential system is lost.


#1 is similarly a waste - you don't need more CFM unless you increase the size of the engine. Twin turbo's are typically used on larger displacement engines like V6's, and V8's so you can get the CFM needed without having an turbine wheel the size of one of your rims that will spool sometime next week.


So no - this is neither practical nor desireable for the EA82T.... you are best served by not modding that engine at all.... unless you prefer walking.



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For the money it would take to make a somewhat reliable ea82 twin turbo setup you could get an ej25t with a 6 speed and swap it into that old wagon and make one heck of an awesome car that would make all the USMB folk including me drool. Now of course even that is gonna be very very expensive and unless you happen to have a ton of money not plausible for the time being. Now if you want a good boost of power that is fairly easy to install and very reliable go for an ej22. or perhaps see about a frankenmotor if you want some really awesome power.

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