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50 50 mod will it cause harm to the transmission?

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 i have a 95 legacy wagon with i presume the 4eat automatic transmission. would doing the mod to achive a 50 50 power distribution hurt the transmission? my plan would be a 2 way switch so i can have it set up like one way would be to allow it to run normal and the other way would lock the center diff to get 50 50 power distribution. i would not be doing the handbrake part of the mod thogh just the diff lock switch. is it bad to do this if i only plan to lock the diff in snow driving and allow the car to chose in anything other than snow?



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for normal everyday driving it is not necessary - the TCU will detect slipping and transfer power appropriately all on it's own. Having good winter tires will do more for good traction in everyday situations than this mod will.


if you off-road a lot, or rallycross, then yeah, it might be a worthwhile endeavor...


In post #12 of the above link... (bold, color & underline by me to bring attention to specific comments made)



      Originally Posted by ScoobaruRS29                    viewpost.gif
this depresses me.... I got the 4eat and i dont have AWD?WTF? And i sure aint mechanically talented to pull this off. damn. Nice write-up by the way

Naw man, you've got AWD - just not all the time. Your car has to sense a bit of slip before it reacts and transfers power to the rear. In other words it's a "reactive" system. That's not a huge deal - lots of other car makers have similar systems. Done right, it's a very capable, and intelligent way to control traction. How long that reaction takes can be influenced by many factors, including overall transmission health and age. My transmission can take up to half a second or more to react, your's may react instantly. If so, you may not need my mod - test it out and see.

My mod is fairly crude and takes away any intelligence that the system has, but since it's only for occasional/competition use, brute strength is just fine.


I currently drive a 95 Legacy L with the 4EAT and it does great in the winter, but I run good snow tires as well.


I also had a 1990 Legacy LS wagon that was also a 4EAT (was my first AWD) that amazed me the first winter I had it everytime the weather got really crappy. Just when I would start to doubt I was gonna make it, the car would plow right thru whatever it was that caused me doubt. I dont doubt the Subaru AWD capabilities anymore.

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The switch doesn't matter at all, run it.  I've done a bunch.



You'll feel binding if you're "locked" on dry pavement.  Binding is bad - turn it OFF if you have binding.



gary do you flip the switch when the car is running? I'm wondering if I blew mine up from toggling the switch quickly out of frustration...

would you advise new users to only flip the switch with the car off or do you toss it around while driving ie once you hit snow on the road without pulling over...



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What's this mod? Does it work for a 94 manual? I've never heard of this.

A Manuel has a different system, its always 50/50 but just not locked 4wd.

To make a Manuel into a locked 4wd you would have to weld the center diff. Then it would bind if you drove on anything but mud or snow

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does anyone know what would cause a duty c solenoid to loose the ability to retain pressure? electronically its fine but can't resist the pressure blows right out the top and sides!


The duty c on the trans with the tailsection removed?

It bolts to a metal plate with no gaskets between it and the plate or between the plate and the trans.

The duty c itself has a rubber o-ring type seal, 2 bolts, pull the solenoid, there's the o-ring on the solenoid.


But, mind you, when it is working properly, and venting some pressure to give other than 50/50 lockup (which never actually happens) the fluid dump path is actually through the solenoid, so I would expect it to always be spraying.


Pull it and check the o-ring... you can also disconnect the wire (if it's not an '04) and it should hold pressure.

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