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How to 4X4


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I Just purchased a 86 hatch. I am going to trying to fit 33" boggers on it. Has anyone done this convertion? I have been told that their is alot involed. I have the shop,lift,tools, and the time so I am all about the involved stuff. I just wanted to know if anyone out their has been crazy enought to try this without changeing the back axel to solid.

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you name it, its been done.. we've had people put 3 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch, and even 12 inch lifts if I recall... tires from 26 inch all the way up to 35's, throwing in extra transfer cases. Keeping independent differentials front and rear, or installing solid toyota axles w/ leaf springs. Even all the way as building complete custom subframes on the larger lifts. Just start doing searches thru the forum for posts on modifications people have done. Engine swaps, intercoolers, headers, weber carbs, converting to CIS.


(welcome to the board by the way)



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Nice, just wanted to talk to some people who had done it. I think I have most of the resources worked out. I can bend pipe, fabricate, and machine also. So one way or another, it is going to happen. The whole fun of it, is pretty much doing all that fab stuff anyway. So sooner or later I'll, post some picuters. (if not problems first)

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welcome to the board!!!


the best site to refer to for lift fabricating is www.subarubrat.com

he has in depth intructions so its probably your best bet... you could also try john bloom in OR... (mudrat79) give him a call and ask him your questions... do a search... he does this stuff for a living so he is a good resourse...


if you can't do it with that info then you probably shouldn't try...


good luck!!!

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Be mindful that there is a world of difference at that tire size. With something like 30x12 the thing is very capable off road with a great tire to vehicle size ratio yet still very car like on-road, nimble and light. Stock brakes and gearing are still viable at that size. Once you cross over that, you are going into a whole new realm. It may be just 3 inches more in height but the rotating mass skyrockets, braking and gearing all need major changes to perform and handeling takes a total shift. I am not saying it is bad or undesirable, but beware you are entering a very different world and be prepared to deal with it. I would strongly reccomend going 6 inches, with 30's, and getting that experience under your belt before going larger.

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Thanx for the visual. I'm not to worried about how it handles on the roads, just the trails. The only reason I wanted to go so high, is to get a set of boggers up on it. And that extra clearance would be very handy around hear (As you can see from nickynighteyes videos.) I have looked at nicks suby up on the rack quite a bit, and re-routed his exhaust, and yes if I want to go easy I could keep the basic 4-6" lift, but dang it I want boggers on their so bad. Any other possobilitys with fitting boggers on?

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Here is a visual for you, the BRAT on the left belongs to Mike D. and has 6 inches of lift and I believe 29 inch tires. The one on the right is mine with 12 inches lift and 33x16s. it is "just 3 inches of tire size" more but as you can see, everything changes.
Actually, that one on the left belonged to Mike when that picture was taken. It belongs to me now. :brow:


Eventually, when I win the lottery and can afford such things, I'm going to bring it up there to you to get your assiatance in making mine look like yours. :headbang: Till then, 30x9.5s is the best I've got. ;)

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I've been wondering, what the pros and cons are of strait axel vs. indepentant. It seems that for trails and such, independant suspention would be more benifitial. How hard is the axel swap? Im mostly going for as much clearance as possible. But as always thanx for the info usmb boys, theres just no better place.

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its really not that hard. the rear is the easiest. all you have to do is just take every thing off and build something to mount the leafs to. you could either build a whole complete subframe like mtsfabman did or you could just use what you have and prolly build some shackles that would work. other than that its pretty much not that hard just time consuming. And im almost done with mine and when im done ill be posting pics and you could see how i did it to my hatch... oh btw its looking pretty sweet. :brow:

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