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impreza shaking when i drive

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hi. i am new to this board and new to a subaru vehicle too. i am hoping to find some help or ideas on my car before i take it to the shop and they charge me an arm and a leg.


i just recently bought a used 1997 impreza 4 door. i dont know all the specs on it. i do know that when i was driving it the other day it began to shake... like i was out of gear or like the car was trying to thrust itself. then when i stopped at an intersection the car died and i couldnt start it up again...


it took three greenlights and me playing with the clutch and gas to start it up again. even after it started it sounded like it wanted to die out again and i had to keep giving it gas to keep going. when this all happened the gas was pretty low and i just put more in the tank.. i think thats what helped it start up again.


i dont know alot about cars... and my friends have some ideas... but nothing that i entirely trust... i figured you guys here are darn near experts on subarus and could enlighten me on whats wrong with the car..


any ideas on what it could be? the guy i got it from suggested that it may be the catalytic converter... but it passed california smog a few months ago and whomever i mention that to says it would not have passed smog if the converter was out... help!!


much love

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Do you have any check engine light? Sounds like you are having a problems with your spark and or fuel delivery. If you have a multimeter or voltage tester do a test on your injectors to make sure they are getting power.. It sounds like you probably have a bad or clogged injector though. Definately replace your fuel filter. It may also be a good idea to go ahead and replace your spark plug wires and spark plugs.. Try running higher octane for a day or two and see if that makes a difference.

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Sounds sort of like the timing is off. Perhaps the timing belt jumped one tooth, but not enough to completely self destruct? No check engine light? Do you know when the timing belt was last changed? If it's been over 60k miles, it could go any day (or has already started), and I wouldn't drive it any more till you replace the belt. I think that engine is an interference design.


I am having a hard time envisioning how the catalytic converter could cause this behaviour. Even if it was completely clogged, I think it would just cause the engine to stall, and have a hard time revving, but not the rough running. And it shouldn't have been a sudden change either.


I would also check the fuel filter and try running some injector cleaner through the tank. If it's getting poor fuel delivery, it would run rough, and possibly not through a trouble code (at least on the older ones). There's been rumors of bad gas going around since the hurricanes, and its possible you got some which clogged stuff up.


If it runs fine on a full tank, but not on a low tank, it could be a weak fuel pump. I had an old fuel injected honda accord that had an incredibly hard time starting if I let it sit for a while with a quarter tank or less, but never if I filled the tank.



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yes there is a check engine light on. the car did it again to me the other day so now i have it garaged until i can take it into the shop..


what happens is i get it started and i notice the rpm is a little high (like 3-4 to start) and then dies down to about 2-3 rpms after 30 seconds. what happened the other day is it started shaking again.. it feels like there is no gas going through it, i'll push the gas pedal pretty far down and it still feels like the car isnt getting any of it or it sputters through. then it died on me again. to start it i have to keep the e-brake on and start it with the clutch and gas going... when it was idling i had to keep my foot on the gas pedal to keep it from dying again.


ugh. i am going with the idea that maybe i should start with changing the fuel filter and going from there...


any do it at home ideas that i can do before taking it in?

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any do it at home ideas that i can do before taking it in?


YES. definitely don't bother replacing the fuel filter, except as a tune up item, you will not find your problem there. i doubt it is fuel related.


first thing you need to do is take it to AUTOZONE or some other auto parts store (call around) that reads your Check Engine Codes for FREE. once you know why that code is on then we'll likely tell you how to fix it.


wires are a typical issue with these things. they need to be Subaru OEM or magnecor (some argue Subaru only). that's my first guess. but there's plenty of other possibilities. it's all just guess work and trial and error until you READ THAT CODE.


a good tune up prevents alot of problems - batter cables clean/tight, spark plugs, wires, air filter, oil change.

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