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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

Wanted to let you guys know

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I figure I would post this here because this is where I always am.


This forum, by far, has been the most informative with the nicest people.


I have been to forums where no one knows anything informative or never replies back for anything.


The other problem I have (in other forums) is people criticize you for mods you want to do, not so much help, point out problems, or support your idea, just tell you that you're stupid for considering such a thing and that it could never happen.


Here it's a different story, people here do have a lot of experience with the Subarus and it makes it easier for help. If someone wants to do something extravagant or just a mod no one has tried, there is a lot of support and if someone is not sure it can be done or shows that there could be a problem, they state it in a helpful manner.


I state this for two reasons:


1) I totally didn't expect Monstaru to send me a foglight switch. It kind of threw me back. Also Craven popped up right away when I asked about a door for my GL (which I still need to get, when I get a job :grin:).


2) I've been on a car forum (not so much a technical forum like this, but a car enthusiast forum) for the better part of 3 years. I would be on there everytime I got on the computer. Now I find myself here more, for the fact that I'm am truly interested in Subies now and that I'm learning a lot from a car company that isn't talked about a lot (unless it's an STi)


So pretty much, I'm glad to be a part of this forum! :headbang:

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Our forum here is pretty great indeed - we can all thank the mods for not putting up with any BS. I'm guilty of it from time to time too - heck - how do you avoid sticking your nose into things sometimes with over 4k posts. I've had my reply's deleted on occasion over the years, and sure I get a little peeved, but in the end it's done to keep everything friendly and fuzzy here. For that I am grateful.



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Damn right - I agree 110%


I won't go into details about other forums on here - but I have found this a lot more informative and interesting to my "tastes". The people here are very friendly. There is the odd exception of a "My God I am so great" type of attitude from certain individuals - but they are easily ignored.


I have bought more things off this board than any other - and NEVER had an issue with anyone in this respect. Of course there would be/are individuals that are exceptions to this rule.


With any forum like this - these are opinions and should be treated with a grain of salt. I usually go by the Reagan saying "Trust but Verify".


Overall a great forum!

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