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pulling heads?

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How do I get the passenger side cyclender(sp) head of my ea81 brat?I have all 17mm bolts off except the two on the valve tower.Do I need to remove them to pull the head?If so how hard is it too get them back on when done?BTW #1 hole is at TDC.Thanks in advance.

Also the motor is still in the brat.


84 brat with headgasket issues.

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Yeah - not only do you have to remove the bolts on the valve rockers, but you will also need to remove the rocker assembly, and the pushrods - keep them in order. You will have to remove some rubber covers on the frame rails to get the rocker assembly bolts to come out of the head.


And if you haven't done it already - you need to remove the intake manifold, and the exhaust manifold.



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I got it out finally.the EGR was interferring,and becuase I have a weber carb,out came Mr. Sawsall.it was cake to get it out then.all this after I had pulled rocker assembly.


the finds: about 1/2 of the coolant holes in the gasket and block were complety filled in with rusty colored calcium.I didn't find any blowouts or out of round holes,but with all that pressure and no where to go I can see how it might have gone under the gasket and warped the gasket.


Do I continue with the other side or can the holes be cleared out?

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Do any of those coolant system flushes really do what there supposed to?Will they clear out plugged coolant holes?

I haven't yet seen any product/process that actually removes calcium deposits from the cooling system, although some may claim to. If someone comes up with a product like AutoRX for the cooling system, I might be tempted to believe it works, provided I see some evidence as such. AutoRX is a treatment process for oil sludged engines. It is added to the oil and run for a specified mileage. The oil is then changed & replaced with oil only, run for a specified mileage, changed, and AutoRX is added again at the next change. Specified mileage, change w/oil only...check the link at bobistheoilguy.com. Search for AutoRX. Coolant flushes are more to remove all the old coolant from the system and replace it with new than to remove deposits left by the old coolant. A product/process for the cooling system that works like AutoRX does for the oil/lube system may work, if and when such a thing exists.

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MAC's Radiator Cleanser, (found at NAPA Stores), is some real good stuff for flushing/cleaning any enclosed water system, Be it your vehicles cooling system, or a portable water chiller like we had at my old job.


Stuff works!!!! Plain and simple........


Directions say to let it circulate for 20 minutes or so, but I have left it for a couple days on some real nasty looking systems. Looks almost new inside when you do the final flush of the system. Ran it in one of my cars for a week with no problems. Man, you should of seen the gunk that came out when I flushed everything. Ucky to say the least......

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calcium lime rust...what is the worst case senerio with that stuff?ruptured hoses?


I heard from a radiator shop that HCI will eat away the calcium as well as the rubber hoses.would hydrocloric acid be a good idea?I know it will eat calcium but what of aluminum?


anyone one have a chemesty set and some scrap pieces of aluminum?put some hcl in petry dish and a piece of scrap aluminum...tell me the results.



screw that, the hcl would make CaCl12.it is soluble in water byt it attacks aluminum and corrodes steel.

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