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In All My Excitement I Oops on Bucky

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I Forgot to mention yesterday..in all my excitement about the disk swap parts and other happenings involving Subarus ...I noticed that Buckys one bump stop looked funny...I juts wiggled it a teeny tiny bit and it broke off :eek: Since his rear shocks are on the old age weak side he does once in awhile bottom out ( only when loaded). What do you think would be a good way to re-attach it??? Gorilla Glue? Epoxy? Its rubber to metal and it looks like it was just glued on somehow to begin with.


Going to have to get busy here soon this morning..we are inline for some heavy rains today and I want to get this done before it hits. I am getting so excited about having my baby back...little things like the wipers in the rain ( I am not too fond of the XT6s single wiper set up ) my stereo that I can hook my mp3 player too.:banana: :banana: ....next thing is going to be tires then axles....and I am going to try to do them myself...I feel that if I can successfully do this disk swap I can do anything on that car:grin: :burnout:

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bummer on the bumpstop - but neither one of our GL wagons have them anymore! and never tried to re-attach, so not real sure what you would use. thinking maybe contact adhesive might be best - the kind you put on both pieces, let it get tacky, then stick the pieces together...just have to be sure you have them lined up right with that stuff, once contact is made, there is no moving it.

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i never thought about my bump stops till i read this thread, and when i went to see if my loyale still has them, turns out it doesn't. i haven't had a problem bottoming out before, even with stock everything. my shocks are brand spanking new though.


If it's a sedan it might not have ever had them. Some didn't

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Liquid nails. In the flooring and paneling adhesive section


I you go the LN route, you really don't need to be too liberal when applying it.


I just repaired a small rectangular section of a bathroom wall following a termite infestation. After filling the chewed out wood with epoxy, I squirted a S-load of Liquid Nails into the gap and pushed in the replacement sheet-rock section so it was snug and flush with the wall.


The next day, I came back to find that the glue had expanded and the sheet-rock square was sitting out from the wall a good 1/8" - 1/4" :eek:



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