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Oh my, I am dim


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Pun intended. We'll get to that later. I felt like wheeling today so I headed up to the mildest local off road area I could think of - the Jacksonville Resevoir park. It's really just an unmaintained dirt road with some "they might be private property or they might not" trails branching off it. Unbeknownst to me, the "resevoir" itself is little more than a mud hole, and even further unbeknownst to me, you're not supposed to go down into it. There were tire tracks all over and it wasn't blocked off so I figured it was alright. Anyways I played in the sand a bit and headed for the mud. I got about 15 feet into it and I was stuck. I be thinkin a rear LSD, a lift kit, and some meaty tires would do me good. Pics:






After a while of digging and packing the tires with rocks I was getting nowhere and it was getting dark, so I called Matt and he came with his AWD EJ22T converted GL and pulled me out. Then he got stuck in the sand so I pulled him out, :-p tee hee. Mike was there too with his 75 wagon. Wish my camera had a decent flash, there were 3 dirty Soobs with a wide vareity of Soobness between them.


Oh yeah, the pun!


Since the day I got my Brat (10 months ago) I have not had working dash lights. I've checked fuses, bulbs, connections, wires, everything I could think of. I finially decided some late 70s computer chip thing was fried. So tonight I'm driving home on a pitch black road and I notice a very very pale glow coming from the speedo..... OMG, how did I miss that? The lights worked all this time, I JUST HAD THE KNOB TURNED WAY DOWN! DOH! Retard moment of the century right there

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I certainly did go out the passenger door - several times. I don't much fancy stepping into 2 foot deep mud, plus the door wouldn't even open. All that mud getting jammed into the left rear brake drum (or something like that) seems to have cured my abnoxious knock knock knocking sound, temporarily at least.


Here's a some pics of what she looked like today after the mud had dried.





I finially got off my butt and started playing with screws on the Hitachi - I'm hoping for 30mpg now, she seems to respond much better to throttle now.


I went back the mountain tonight - got lost for a while but stayed clear of any mud. Here's a vid of me doofin' around with a very steep slope, right next to a very deep mudhole that I buried a Toyota truck in a few months ago.




Can anyone identify the insect in this ow res picture? He was about 3 inches long with barzillions of legs and very slow moving. Took a more difficult aka "more fun" path to avoid smooshing him.



we need another random stuff thread!

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