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so i got the wagon aligned today...

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...however the steering wheel is about 2 to 5 degrees to the left, i went back to the place where the alignment was done and they did the alignment 3 times! and they could not find out why the steering wheel would not go str8... all the numbers were ok... i was there present and they showed me all the numbers on the computer... remember that this car has all new front end, ball joints, steering system, struts, springs, etc... what else could it be??

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OK - so was it out when they started? The only thing it sounds like was that they put the wheel holder (a padded thing they use to hold the wheel stationary while they twist on the steering rods) in the wrong place (like they may have had the wheel turned a bit from moving the car on the jig.)


The ALIGNMENT is OK (the car steers straight), but the wheel position isn't "up and down" when the car is GOING straight.


And it isn't difficult to change. it's just the "toe in/out" setting that they need to adjust.

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OK - so was it out when they started? The only thing it sounds like was that they put the wheel holder (a padded thing they use to hold the wheel stationary while they twist on the steering rods) in the wrong place (like they may have had the wheel turned a bit from moving the car on the jig.)


The ALIGNMENT is OK (the car steers straight), but the wheel position isn't "up and down" when the car is GOING straight.


And it isn't difficult to change. it's just the "toe in/out" setting that they need to adjust.



the steering wheel was str8 when they started but the alignment was off


correct, the alignment is ok but the steering wheel is off to the left when driving str8


and they did use the wheel holder thing and on the 3rd time i made sure it was on a str8 position

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and it's still off? curiouser and curiouser.


The wheel position should make the system uniformly "off" (both wheels off the same amount in the same direction) in the same direction - then they just loosen the tie rod ends and twist the rods to make it go "straight" (and the wheel just stayed straight)


I'll bet it wasn't "Sears" :lol: (of course, they test drive the alignment before they give it back)


go have them drive it and let them see it for theselves

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i'm assuming the alignment is done right.


on the older generation of subaru's you just pull the steering wheel off and reinstall it correctly.


this doesn't explain how it got like this...but more than likely some other work was done to it. rack replacement, disconnected, or steering wheel removed for something. and it just wasn't installed properly...or was but installed to match a mis-aligned vehicle.


any reason the alignment was really bad?

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it wouldn't be a problem except for the alignment part of the toe. You need to loosen the clamps on the rod ends at the tie rods, then put a vise grip on rod. Trouble is I don't remember which way to go for left or right - but you turn each of them 1/2 turn IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS, tighten it up and try it. Either you went the correct way or the other way. (it's trial and error without a rack) The wheel will move a bit each time.


Lather, rinse, repeat until satisfied :)


I LIKE Sears (they might cost $70 but it seems to be "right" every time I need one - which isn't too often) and they are nationwide (pepBOYS and Wally World seem to get the "kids") IF you had a bad steering rack, you'd know it

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If the steering shaft U- joint has been changed it may be off one or two teeth.

I had Goodyear do a alignment on our Jeep and the steering wheel was also not straight so I took it back and they made it a little better but it is still off some.

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They screwed up and did crappy work. If you paid for an alignment you deserve a straight steering wheel. It only takes a few minutes to center it.


If you are fed up with them you can fix it yourself. It's easy to set toe with a tape measure across the tread of the tire. To center the wheel turn one side in and the other out.

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I had the exact same issure almost down to the letter on my old Suzuki. Turned out i'd smacked a rut a bit harder than originally estimated whilst out wheelin' and bent one of the radius arms. Mr Mechanic couldnt get the steering wheel straight so sent me to a panel beater.


Has your soob been fighting at all?

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merchants did this to my truck. but since it drives and tracks strait and i drive only once a month, i don't much care. but when i took my outback in i threatened them, and they gave it back right.


the idiots who did yours, may know how to operate the alignment equipment, but they don't know $hit about how to align a car. tell the manager if they can't get it right you want your money back, or that you'll take it to a speciallty shop and get it done right and he can pay the bill. when he says no, call the better business bureau.

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