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Ceiling cargo net

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Hey USMB. I haven't posted in a while. I was wondering, has anyone made a cargo net to hold gear to the ceiling of their Soob? I have the sedan and the front passenger and both rear doors have a hand grip. I was thinking of rigging a net type thing to hold my Ruger 10/22 (kept in a clothe tube) and my Estwing camp axe. It'd be very taut to keep these items as pressed up against the ceiling as possible as well as to keep it from moving much or being seen hanging low. My soob isn't lifted or anything so unless a 4 foot tall person was intentionally looking up at my car's ceiling, I think it'd be a pretty well concealed deal. I attached a sketch of what it'd look like.


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I used to have a net from the trunk of an 89 taurus srung across the ceiling of my wagon. It was great for camping/living out of my GL wagon with just me and the dogs. I had the back folded down pretty much always for sleeping so the net didn't interfere. But when I folded up the seats and had rear passengers, it was in their way:-\

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How about

THIS? for $50 it ain't too bad!!



Yeah that's kinda cool too! I would prefer a net style. But That is still something worth looking at!


Gloyale, Yeah that prolly would hit there hair. Casue when I sit in the car i've got about 1/2" or more between me and the ceiling. But if they don't like it (Get out and walk Lol) :-p

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