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Everything posted by Dickensheets

  1. Drive to Denver and have a 3 day vacation. Park in the Grocery store parking lot with a sign on it for $2000. Sell car. Use money to pay for vacation and flight back home.
  2. Yupp.. New pump at Autozone $14.95 New tubing $2.66 Clean windows...priceless! BTW, Oreilly wanted $34 for the pump. That's double! Usually Oreilly has the best deal, and I'm sure that they would price match if I threw a hissy...but still...double???
  3. Ok so I have water in the tank. No leaks. Fuse is intact. I unplug the motor and jump it to the vehicle's battery using two lengths of wire ++ --. I "think" the motor should run at this point if'n it's any good. Am I wrong here? The motor did not run. Secondly is it possible to measure resistance on this electric motor and if so what should it be? I guess I need a new washer motor??? Can this little guy be overhauled by me? Dirty windows suck.
  4. I used "water pump gasket maker" in addition to the OEM gasket on my 2.5dohc. No leaks after 12000 miles.
  5. Drive to the nearest tire shop and have them crack them for you. Drive home and finish job. rd
  6. Does it run rough when cold or after it warms, or both? If it runs rough when warm but ok when cold, start looking at sensors. If rough even when cold I would look at plugs/wires.
  7. Maybe I was too harsh. Most folks are just like here, very helpful. But for some reason the jerks are drawn to JEEP brand. All in all I love my Jeep, it's just a different animal than any Subaru. I think it's possible to love two at once - isn't it?
  8. My 97 obw gets about 26 all around. My miles are mostly hwy miles. I run the ac if speeds are above 45mph, below that I run with the glass in the retracted position. I think if you slow down about 5-8mph on the hwy the effect of the ac is not noticeable.
  9. My other car is a J$$p. That forum is not nearly as insightful or professional. Just a bunch of aholes!! You guys are way nicer and smarter too. rd
  10. How about a bad cam position sensor. Could he swap sise to side to see if code follows? Ryan
  11. You may also be a candidate for valve cover gaskets by the sounds of it. I'll admit I've done the carwash thing before, but for the kids at home, use caution wetting a hot engine block with a hose! Enjoy the heat and humidity. Ryan
  12. Hello from Magnolia TX. Most shops around me specialize in Ford and Chevs, big suprise there. In case you have not noticed these are very rare cars in our part of the world. I'm originally from the Pacific Northwest, whole different ballgame there. I have no tech recommendations as I do most of my own maint. I would try to narrow down the source of the leak you speak of, maybe take some pictures and post here or bring it by my house some afternoon. I'd be happy to peek at it. The rate of leakage is very important to me. Because if it's just a dribble I would put off repairs while monitoring fluid levels until something else in that area needs attention. I recently replaced my valve cover gaskets on my 97 Outback and that stopped 99% of drips onto the exhaust. It still seeps at the front of the engine but its very minor. I suspect you may need new valve cover gaskets and it's possible it's being masked and has you thinking you need rack and pinion work. I could be wrong though, its happened before. Ryan
  13. I don't think it looks bad. It will grow on us guaranteed. Mini-Tribeca sort of. I think window frames are a good idea. Keeps the glass from wigglin'. rd edit: tires just keep getting skinnier. Must be a rough riding SOB.
  14. Over inflate your tires by 10%. Don't tailgate and stay off the brake. Anticipate and coast. Don't run the AC in slow traffic let's say <45mph, over that run the AC and bring the windows up. Drive the speed limit. rd
  15. I don't recommend this. It makes a big mess when the bag comes apart and spews grease all over. Ask me how I know. I would throw in a reman axle when you get the money. They are pretty cheap. I don't mess with boots anymore. For now just drive it until it clicks - which could be years. rd
  16. What would cause both window washer pumps to not work? I did valve cover gaskets a few weeks ago and removed washer tank. Seems fishy. I've pulled the washer tank a few times before to do spark plugs and timing belt and not had this problem. Fuse is intact and connections are sound. Any ideas guys? rd
  17. My vote is for the dust cover backing plate thingy also. I used a screw driver to pry it away from the rotor. rd
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