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more power for my 93 Loyale

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If you already searched here, you'll find that the most common answer is "EJ it!" which means to do an engine swap, from its EA82 engine to a newer EJ (usually EJ22) Engine from Legacy / impreza.


The Reason is because there's not much that can be done to improve the EA82 and less to the EA82T; also the posible upgrades to those EA engines tend to be expensive (Torque Cams, Megasquirt, etc...) for a very little gain.


I Hope this will clarify to you the reason why here, if someone really wants more power on their EA engined cars, we said: "EJ it!"


Kind Regards.

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I don't know much about cars, at all.... power...... short of an engine swap?


Definitely not.


An EJ swap is not what I would consider a good place to start if you don't know much about cars. And even if you do - if you don't know anything about wiring then this is not the answer for you.


Best bet is to sell it and buy a Legacy.



Edited by GeneralDisorder
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I don't know much about cars, at all, but I just bought a 1993 Loyale Wagon 4WD, manual hoping to get my hands a little dirty. I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to increase it's power output, short of an engine swap?




Here's what I have done and I can tell you it does make a noticable difference, without trying to get more power.


Notice the sticker by the drivers door and the tire size it came with. Don't go much taller as that kills whatever "performance" you start with on any vehicle.


Rip out the AC, everything under the hood including the fan attatched to the water pump leaving only the electric fan.


Buy a battery for the non AC car as it's quite smaller with a definate weight difference.


Don't haul around a lot of extra stuff in the car, it does make a difference.


Do a compression test and if it's not up to spec it's useless trying to get more power out of any engine.


Of course a full tune up, or simply making sure it's where it should be is pretty much standard procedure.





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