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ea82t coolant thought


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i am going to replace the turbo on my wagon to one of the ebay t3/t4 ones. and i understand that stock ea82t's run oil and cooland to the turbo (correct?) and the turbo im getting doesn't run the coolant through it, so my question is would it be better to just cap or rerout the coolant lines or to run a extra coolant cooler, like an extra smaller radiator. anyone have any thoughts on this? does anyone have experience replacing the turbo on these motors? thanks -david

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the idea of running another cooler might work to help with heat removal. just be very careful about how you route your lines and make sure that if you run a small radiator, you mount it where it will get plenty of air flor and will have somewhere for the heated air to escape.


i woldnt reccomend just plugging the lines as they do run some pressure when your moving, as i found out when on of those hoses ripped.:dead:

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i am going to replace the turbo on my wagon to one of the ebay t3/t4 ones. and i understand that stock ea82t's run oil and cooland to the turbo (correct?) and the turbo im getting doesn't run the coolant through it, so my question is would it be better to just cap or rerout the coolant lines or to run a extra coolant cooler, like an extra smaller radiator. anyone have any thoughts on this? does anyone have experience replacing the turbo on these motors? thanks -david


What are the t3/t4 ones?

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utter garbage from china, thats what. there IS a reason they are so cheap remember if it seems too good to be true it probably is. a real garret t3/t4 goes for $500+. the ebay ones dont last more than a year and thats if your lucky. search on www.honda-tech.com for testimonials of how crappy the turbos are. not to mention a turbo of that size would be overkill as heck on a ea82t anyhow. if you really want to go to a garret a regular t3 off a volvo saab or ford would be fine, or you could do it even easier and get a vf11 off a wrx. holset hx30's are pretty nice turbo for the money too, theyve got a t3 flange.

as far as the water lines, personally I'd just loop them together if you were to go to an oil cooled only turbo. it wouldnt be a bad idea to put an oil cooler in the turbo feed line but probably not necessary given the amount of cars that run fine without them.


btw great avatar david!

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i've been looking at these.......... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=019&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=290087071086&rd=1


so that turbo would be a waste of my time? im on a super low budget and probably end up getting a used turbo. so it'd be better if i got a used one, looped the coolant lines and maybe ecool the oil line? thanks for the replys

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you would be well off to get a used td04 from a wrx, they usually sell from $75-$200 depending on milage and the seller's attitude. i think i paid like $90 for mine with less than 20k on it. you just gotta look around, try nasioc, there is always someone upgrading their stock turbo.

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The choice of turbos has been well covered above. As far as an extra radiator goes, if your existing radiator is good, you should be just fine with that. With mine (oversized 2 core), if it is below 60 out, I barely even get to operating temp sometimes. Makes for a real rich run when its really cold out.

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If you're looking for something to do with the coolant lines, hook up to a coolant filter. Keeping the coolant cleaner will result in less deposits and scum in the passages, ensuring more even cooling. That plus some diesel SCA additives should help to ward off the HG and cylinder head issues of the EA82T a little bit.

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thanks for all the responses -looks like im gonna bet out looking for wrecked wrx's in the junkyards



Good luck with that. You would have better luck going to the for sale section on NASIOC. UPgrades are more common that wrecks.. just barely ;)

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