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The cars I see typically are far beyond that before needing replaced.


However if the baffle plate was leaking.


Of if they didn't know how to drive a stick.


I'd suppose a lot of city driving or towing.


Other things come to mind.


But that isn't many miles for any clutch it would seem if they knew how to drive.

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It entirely depends on where the mileage was done and what kind of driver was doing it. I just replaced a clutch on a 2003 S10 with 85k on it. The friction surface was getting thin but not gone - it had been a paper delivery vehicle and owned by a kid - the pressure plate was overheated and lost it's spring tension.


And I have done Subaru clutches (first one) that lasted 255k miles. When you are on the freeway the miles rack up with no use of the clutch.


Mileage is a bad indicator of clutch life. It's basically meaningless.


The quality of the replacement is a big issue as well - who did the job and what parts were used. Was the flywheel resurfaced... etc. I've had to swap out clutches that were poorly done with cheap parts after only a 10k or so.



Edited by GeneralDisorder
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my 78 toyota camper with 300,000 miles has its original clutch. Driving habit, and probper adjustment plays a lot in clutch life.


most failed clutches i see are caused by over-tightened clutch cable.


a clutch, with good maintenance and proper driving, should last at least 200,000 miles or more

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