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HELP -- clutch and tranny died on my 2014 forester

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So...I had my clutch go out on my 2014 Forester on Friday (the pedal stuck to the floor and I could smell burnt clutch). I sent it to the shop and they said I needed a new clutch - not a surprise. 


What WAS a surprise was that they said I need a new transmission! I only have 80,000 miles on it. I bought it used at 50k, and only have put 30k miles on it. I drive like a freaking grandma, so I'm pretty surprised they said this. 


Can this really be? Could I really have a bad transmission? Seem so unbelievable to me, but I've sent it to the shop my sis-in-law works at, so I would like to think they are accurate, but I'm having a hard time believing this car has already burned through a transmission!


Anyone have any thoughts about this or ways to handle? A friend suggested going by the shop and having them show me the transmission, just so I could get a better idea of what's going on (at the very least). But should I try to take it to another shop? It's in pieces at their shop right now and that seems like a huge pain to get it to another mechanic and it seems like my sister in law wouldn't steer me wrong....


Are the transmissions that unreliable in Subarus? I do drive it in San Francisco, which is notoriously hilly, but... I'm so perplexed by all of this... 

Edited by sabinalistic
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Have they told you WHY it needs a new trans? What failed? If you had a throwout bearing explode (which may be what happened since the pedal stuck to the floor), it can damage the input snout of the transmission.

If you or the previous owner spent a lot of time in traffic (likely in SF), and spent a lot of time holding the clutch pedal down, the TOB failing would make sense to me. Don't sit in traffic with your foot on the clutch, shift to neutral.


Anyway, if the input snout is damaged it's usually possible to get a bearing with a speedi sleeve and repair it. I'd ask the shop about that. Pedal sticking to floor and transmission damage are usually throwout bearing related, and can usually be repaired, definitely ask them if thath's the issue, and inquire whether or not a speedi sleeve will solve the problem.



If possible, take pictures of the damage for us to see. If they don't want to do the repair, it may be cheaper to have all the pieces transported somewhere who does.

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that seems like a weird combination of failure but....?


have you been having any problems lately? maybe jerking/binding when maneuvering in parking lots? all 4 tires identical?



I had to have my WRX's trans rebuilt - 2nd gear was destroyed. The tech said 3rd gear is most common, but second happens as well. I have no power mods and this happened at about 70K miles.


there was no problem with the clutch and they didn't even see enough wear on it to change it - I was shocked as I drive 95% surface roads.


You need a GOOD explanation of what's going on - or a different shop.

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Technically there is no such thing as a failed transmission, that’s a huge generalization that’s all but meaningless. A particular part has to fail - front diff, gear, synchro, a bearing....


What are they saying failed?

And how did they diagnose that on a car that doesn’t run?

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what shop is this? have you looked at their google/yelp/angies list reviews?


anyway, poor driving habits in SF could lead to premature clutch failure - you OR the previous driver could have contributed, but to say you have a bad trans at the same time seems suspect.


you don't want to pile problem on top of problem - if this shop can't be trusted - get all the 'pieces' to a better shop.

Edited by 1 Lucky Texan
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I've had to replace a trans because the TOB ate through the pressure plate and the release fork got hung up, spun around, and wrecked the bellhousing (knocked chunks out of it). That's kind of an extreme case of abad release bearing ruining a trans. If that happened it would have been accompanied by a very loud crash of metal on metal, and likely stalled the engine.


I agree, the shop needs to explain in better detail exactly what's wrong with the trans.

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