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*Un* SCORE!!! Hard to beat Free!

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Unscore :( Should have drove it home that day you found it or chain towed it home! ;)
Gave my word to the landlady that I wouldn't mess with it until we got together for paperwork, and she was unavailable until this morning. Wife said I should have grabbed it last night, too.


Bummer is that I didn't even have to tow it.

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Man that sucks!


You might have had title problems anyway. I've had to deal with abandoned cars by renters and its a mess.

When I first spoke with landlady she was telling me the steps that whe had already completed towards the title. Sounds like there wasn't much left.


Let's see... shock, denial, anger, grief.. and finally acceptance? Is that the proper 5 steps???

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Keep track of the car. There might be some issues that the "new owner" knows nothing about and just might decide to do what the previous owner did. Who knows, she just might have even been the PO :rolleyes:

I think taking a car out of someones yard, regardless if its free or not, without the person knowing it, could be construed as auto theft. If you wanted to be a "by the book" type person, this car could be yours still. If you think its worth the hassle :-\

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While I am truly bummed, it could be worse since I hadn't yet dragged it back to my lair and marked it as "mine". :brow:


I doubt that it was PO, as LL said that she went through legal procedure to contact PO. LL said that she had spoken to this lady before car removal and had an answering machine message post-removal. LL got what she wanted, car gone from her yard. Don't think she will bother with much else.


LL also said that "dream-swiper" just wanted a cheap running car. I offered up my services (for LL to pass on to "DS") in case DS finds that she is in over her head and really does want a runner. But, yeah, I will keep my eyes open for it showing up in the paper.


I just hope that it doesn't end up at the bone yard. The ones here are a little too pricey to get the parts I want.

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maybe it's the 4am :drunk: talking but i think you should track it down and tow it to your place, or maybe just torch it.




if the new owner has to deal with the previous owner yet, then that is your chance. intercept her and tell her you have retained a lawyer, or some guy who can bench press a volkswagen, to facilitate the restoration of your potential property. tell them it has bad compression in all 7 cylinders and needs to have the septo-phasic distributor balancer refurbished or else the gyroscopic brake retainer will spontaneously implode.


dirty pool justifies dirty pool. go get your subaru back! preferably the same way it was taken, in the middle of the night :P

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Wow, you've definitely had us following this story closely. What a high at first with such a score, and then WHAT A LOW! I agree with another poster: tow these bzzzzatches away when the deal is that sweet. Northwet, I hope it works out for ya. On the upside, at least you don't have to make the time or room for it!

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theres a car I can get free i dont want. a 1991 passat vr6 automatic with 120k miles. trans is blown. the owner took the plates off a few days ago and its parked next to my jeep. anyone like these cars?

Litchy - you might post that in separate thread; never know, someone might actually want that car.

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