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A few topics on lights in one thread:


Years ago I had an old BMW 320i and subscribed to a mag called European Car. One of the issues had a lighting comparison guide of all driving and fog lights. Well all major lamps on the market at that time. Well I was wondering if any of you have seen anything like this?


I have been looking at the high dollar lamps and if I ever fork out the money for a pair I want the absolute best.



Now if I go cheap what would you suggest? I was looking at generics on ebay and medium priced items like KC lites, etc. Any size suggestion? I have a push bar/light bar on my GL and I think I could fit 4 lampos side by side but would it help much more than two?




Like i said I have a light bar, but I was very interested in possible placement near the sideview mirrors. I saw it on the old GL rally car up to safarai impreza. I never thought about it but I think it would light up a very good area. Anyway I forgot what I read on install instructions time and time again about x inches from ground etc but I want the most effective for dirt road/back road high speed. So suggestions please.




I have used Hella Yellow Stars for years. I think they are terrible LOL but in the rain and snow I like think they help. I have a very difficult time in the rain when driving on tar versus cement mixture roads and the standard white light just doesn't cut it. I was curious to know experiences of using yellow bulbs,films in both headlights and fogs/driving.



Anything else in relation feel free to blab away :)

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hella optilux has a basic combination driving/fog lights (2 bulbs, 2 diffusers, one case!) that's pretty cheap considering it's 2 pairs of lights, and all required wiring!


I got mine from JCWhitney:



heres how they were on my '85 (even though that bumper/grill is now on my loyale):



and, you can easily get 2 radioshack rocker switches, and wire each pair of lights to it's own circuit, which also allows you to turn on both pairs at once! that's 4 55w bulbs in those 2 little packages!

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I'm going with Hella 500's available in drivng light and yellow or white fogs. At $75 pair I think they're the best bang for the buck if you're into that big round rally style. I plan on having 2 fogs on the front bumper and two driving lamps on the roof for "off road use only" Since I don't actually have them yet this is all speculation of course. I did have KC Daylighters on a ride years ago and they were rediculously bright. They do have that cool chrome old school look which may suit some rigs well.

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How do you like that location for lighting? I always thought it would help light up the sides very well. Also always see it on safari rally preped cars.




it's acculy kinda nice, i had light in the roof of my last car but it kinda added a glare on the windshield, where ther mounted now the light stays in front of me, adds small blind spots tho, but with a lift i coulnd't see the ground there anyway.



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Like Andyjo..Lightforce striker rmdl 170's ...100watts of focusable power....of course I have some PIAA 520 fogs as well ....


Speaking of beamers....this young punk kid with a 525 flashed his hi beams at me from behind after I passed him ...so I obliged slowed down let him pass and "beamed" him with this....Let's just say he had the daylight beaten out of him...bet he'll never flash an outback again....ROLMFA...:grin: also when ur brushing in thick stuff like this...or snow covers your headlamps.








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