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making a vibrationless 4x4 wagon


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Wow - that's totally hilarious! Anyone follow Penn & Teller Bu||Sh|t on Showtime??? They need to interview Bdg in a BAD WAY.


The Janitor reference is priceless. I think we all had a dude like that in HS. "Crackpot" is an understatement. People who clean up puke and food-fights have to make themselves beleive they are somewhere else all day I guess.


I can't WAIT for the "legal action" against me :lol::banana: . People's court anyone? HAHAHAHAHA.



your clearly impeding free speach on the intranet


hey GD do you remember which thread i posted that excerpt quoting him in which he ditched his egr stuff in the woods, it seems relevent to quote that here but i can't find it

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good call thanks


Evidence? you sound like a state trooper who lets the drunk guy who sped off get away because he didn't see it for himself. I am done talking about it. I am in no mood for my integrity to be challenged. Truth prevails, I am by no means upset.You can find the precious egr stuff I chucked in the forest. after a 300 mile trip lets both get out of our cars and see who can jog the farthest. Me with no egr and you with it. Is that what you need? Do you like to get high in your sube with windows up? I have not been in one yet that didn't squeeze its own crap out back at me in the cabin while egr is said to be good and sealed and functioning correctly. the worst for me in Maine is when the ground is frozen. I counted on the top end stenches people in the car shouldn't get. I have even vomited before fixing it forever - by getting rid of it. do you want my EGR vomit in a doggy bag? :confused:

If I get a brand new vehicle with similar design as this old sube EGR, I am chucking it again as bad parts. The engine doesn't stay down in flow all year.Long before I got one, I had learned of the bad boxer flows for subarus in very cold weathers like maine. Mid summer in the 70's summer breeze seems to be perfect for egr. Not where I live. In fact this sube I just got had the stuff removed professionally somewhere along the line. I am glad. I don't have to.

Stop the prejudice opinionations. I could care less if egr is good or bad where you live, it is to the point of dangerous at times where I do.To scientifically prove egr burnt the clock and heater resistors from the other side of the firewall, I am sure, would not be impossible with monitoring of temps of two vehicles, one with and one without egr. It all starts as top end heat.and it has "stuff" in that invisible flow, no doubts about it. maybe even radioactively charged particles with plug wires in the air for all I know.




Back to thread... any 93 loyale wiring diagrams? I found a supplement fsm on the web.. does that get added to this generation subaru with only differences noted? if so, I will grab it while it is for sale.


for those of you who don't want to read this i'll recap:

1.he illegally dumped all the egr stuff off his car in the woods

2. he brings no proof to the table about his arguments and merely state's don't question my integrity take my word as god's

3. some random statement about how the egr makes the clock, and heater resistors burn out? [don't ask me i'm just recapping]



maybe even radioactively charged particles with plug wires in the air for all I know.


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Let's not pick on Bgd, or insult him. His ignorance is astounding sometimes, but hey, we all got to learn.


Now Bgd, stop be so freaking arrogant and stubborn that you're not going to listen to other's suggestions. A lot of your ideas are really way off base, and make no sense in the physical world. A couple good courses at the local community college in Physics, Chemistry and Material Sciences could help you a LOT. Don't take this as an insult or me calling you stupid. You're not stupid and you have a good head on you. Just somewhere along the line, you learned quite a few things wrong.

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Let's not pick on Bgd, or insult him. His ignorance is astounding sometimes, but hey, we all got to learn.


Now Bgd, stop be so freaking arrogant and stubborn that you're not going to listen to other's suggestions. A lot of your ideas are really way off base, and make no sense in the physical world. A couple good courses at the local community college in Physics, Chemistry and Material Sciences could help you a LOT. Don't take this as an insult or me calling you stupid. You're not stupid and you have a good head on you. Just somewhere along the line, you learned quite a few things wrong.

fundimentalism stops a thinking mind
i'm getting a pissed off pm from a mod tonight i know it
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Yeah - I know the feeling. But what are we supposed to do? He doesn't get the "gentle" clues. We have tried nice - we have tried to help - it's comming to a head, and now it's time to be blunt I guess.



i thought we had already tried blunt and failed

nm: we tried obviouse hints lol

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Yeah - I know the feeling. But what are we supposed to do?...

OT: Sounds like a request for a suggestion...


Do not engage.


If someone with conviction is talking what you consider nonsense, just do not engage them in conversation. They are not going to change your mind, and you will not change theirs. It is a waste of both parties' time, and just spreads ill will. Relax, breathe, and go read and share knowledge where it will do good.

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OT: Sounds like a request for a suggestion...


Do not engage.


If someone with conviction is talking what you consider nonsense, just do not engage them in conversation. They are not going to change your mind, and you will not change theirs. It is a waste of both parties' time, and just spreads ill will. Relax, breathe, and go read and share knowledge where it will do good.

what if other people who don't know better fall for this stuff?

did you read my or 91 loyale's posts on the last page? the ones quoting bgd73 there's some very misleading stuff, and some total bs, i'm just sick of this guy asking for help then going ha your wrong and furthermore i learned this and your advice was total bs.

the problem is evreyone here is to nice and no one gets on people who post worthless bs.


aside from one mod who rightly so follows me because i do post allot of bs



this has gone so far out of control no offense ment to any one except bgd73

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Do not engage.


I try - really I do. But he keeps "bumping" his posts till someone fires the conversation. And as Jeff pointed out - it's mis-information (not just that, in many cases it's far into the realm of nonsense) that's going to pop up in people's searches for years to come. In the intrest of keeping the thread honest I try to chime in and flatten the rough spots. I may be a bit abrasive with how I do it, but it sometimes it takes a steam-roller to flatten them all.



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I would like to point out to the powers-that-be (you guys listening out there? :-p), that this course of action does not solve the underlying problem here. It will only return, as it has been doing for the past year.



since there going to delete this any way i would like to add that i agree
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I will go as far as legal action. I had a similar case of this in a chatroom that I ran years ago- there really is rules and even laws, starting with an open minded moderator



your seriously joking right? its the internet, get a life. this board is for helping people not attacking and when you come in here saying your going to take legal action i do hope you have "had enough" of this. im new to the board but from what i can read im sure im not alone when it looks like we have had enough of you

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You all have good ideas. I have an event here I often forget I call the "winter buzz-in". Everything steel does it, moving parts have a bit of noise sometimes until spring, even engines and exhaust systems that were once quiet in the driveway at high idle can be heard like a laser beam of sound bellowing off hills a mile+ away. It's bizarre.

I do not like this, as I have had cars that have things barely noticable in the cold and keep going fairly quietly.4x4's are especially difficult. I did notice on my 2wd sedan, changing bearings was exactly the answer. I found oem bearings did not pass the standard to survive, and now I have a 4wd that needs even tougher.A particular brand name "fedral mogul" had something slightly different and it worked. All it takes is thousands of an inch out of tolerance...The ujoints are great, the middle moves freely where driveshaft splits. The front end is no wobbles, handles great. Did find one loose axle nut- the only way for that to happen is not enough grease chomping what was tight into a sloppiness. It is very good now after repacking and retorquing. No creaks at all in turns anymore, so suspension and ball joints and overall tightness part of it is all good.




I slept on it to conclude the rear bearings first, even on what I think is bad hubs. Good hubs will bounce on an out of round bearing. The car has been sitting an undetermined amount of time. The soob just don't like that where I live. :)

Also, I took driver side rear apart, taking hub off- all looked normal no chunks missing, and yet again eveidence of hardly any grease. I repacked put it back together and sure enough that side I did this too is almost silent, no wobbles. One wobble anywhere from the back there is an attack all the way up the driveshaft after shaking the whole back end. All or nothing seems to be the way to go with these. It is actually fatiguing when it decides to bellow that perfect nuisance. Will start with bearings non-oem brand. Worked once, may do it again.




I was quite content yesterday with the thought of scrapping the whole rear 4wd setup for the 2wd- but it just wouldn't be what this car was made for. At best when all is good, the rear can make a slight whining noise and not bother people inside after running awhile in 4wd at high speed. I still considered it discomfort, but thats all I can work towards I guess, if to keep an old 4wd.





if you girls are done ........................

you stated "Also, I took driver side rear apart, taking hub off- all looked normal no chunks missing, and yet again eveidence of hardly any grease."


drain your rear diff and fill it back up with what ever weight is rated for your weather

im betting since the hubs where dry, that the diff haven't bein changed in years !!!

its getting cold the viscostary its probley broke down

and for my experience you will get that "winter buzzin" intill the grease/oil gets up to temp


you old farts got years on me and not once did i see that talked about

this is supposed to be a place to help each other out, not to have a cock fight!!!


resolve it between your self or STFU




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when my wagon made the "hummm... hummm..." noise that seemed to resonate through the car, it was a rear wheel bearing. I did em, and BAM!!! FIXED!!!! NO MORE NOISE!!! haha... but u-joints make a similar noise. grease or replace the rear bearings, but check your u-joints first.



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Regardless, temps cold enough to change the molecular structure of steel are in the cryogenic range, which STARTS at -238 degrees below zero. Cold enough to freeze the water in your toilet, not to mention the blood in your viens.
I don't mean to be picky here. I really do think this thread has gone to far by about 41 posts. I'm no scientist but even I can relise that metal can and does change shape a little with a few degrees difference. I live where it doesn't snow, but when the hot sun hits a sheet of steel screwed to something you can hear it changing shape.

Of cause I don't believe there is anyway it could be enough to "crack" a unibody chassis... That's just a little over the top.


I would recommend to everyone here who doesn't like who ever else to just ignore them.

I am sure if something is that far out of wack that there won't be many people who will believe it. And if they do, maybe they deserve to believe stupid stuff like that. And if you have a problem with the moderators, I suggest you take your talk somewhere else. This is not a 100% public forum, it is owned and run by people who have been picked. If you don't like it, bugga off (thats what an aussie would say anyhow.)


As for the actual subject, I would have no idea... I just live with it. But then again I don't really care how my car sounds or feels, just as long as it goes fast around corners.

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when my wagon made the "hummm... hummm..." noise that seemed to resonate through the car, it was a rear wheel bearing. I did em, and BAM!!! FIXED!!!! NO MORE NOISE!!! haha... but u-joints make a similar noise. grease or replace the rear bearings, but check your u-joints first.




That seems to be the best educated guess... a 4wd will stay tight enough to make a bizarre noise and still stay true for its job of spinning the wheel/tire straightly. A 2wd rear bearing in sad shape is very obvious as the wheel will attempt independence- the soob 4x4 really can't do that. I will go with just bearings first, the hubs seem to be strong enough for a sherman tank. :) The miles for my locale seem about right for needing them, and 20 years sure as heck is a good indicator that it must be time for new, even if it is the third replacement or more.

The ujoints are excellent, I even had a hot exhaust pipe touching the center carrier- it would reveal quite a vibration if it was bouncing around. No slop from front to back of whole shaft when I gave it a twist back and forth, it is an easy check. The rear diff even after high speed 4wd mode on highway for 30 miles resoved to a slight whistle I have come to expect from a differential (like a car/truck rear end). I would even let the fluid go a bit longer before a change. That is something I like to do after a month or more of consistent warm weather. Steel is already tightening, do not want to attempt new thick viscosity in the cold. As it is, I needed almost 2 months on the previous times I have dramatically changed original oil to synthetic, on my old soobs, it was well worth the wait, but it does need alot of natural heat as welll as its own (I have found this to be true in alot of tight tolerance vehicles- ironically summed up with "foriegn"). Having patience for this tighter tolerance is well worth the 20-years-and-still-strong results.

Thanks for reply of AGREEMENT. :grin:

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I'm no scientist but even I can relise that metal can and does change shape a little with a few degrees difference. I live where it doesn't snow, but when the hot sun hits a sheet of steel screwed to something you can hear it changing shape.



Actually, it doesnt change on its molecular level, it just expands and contracts, only extreem hot and cold temperatures will change the arrangement of the molecules making it either harder or more maleable.



Anyway, i'm still for the wheel bearings if the diff isn't empty.

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Actually, it doesnt change on its molecular level, it just expands and contracts, only extreem hot and cold temperatures will change the arrangement of the molecules making it either harder or more maleable.

But if its expanding and contracting it is changing shape which could (only in theory) seprate a bad weld right?

Either way I think what needs to be done here is take action, try whats been said and come back with the resualts.

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But if its expanding and contracting it is changing shape which could (only in theory) seprate a bad weld right?

Either way I think what needs to be done here is take action, try whats been said and come back with the resualts.


And painting it wil reinforce it to the point that it's solved? All the metal expands or shrinks at the same percentage, so no stress based on atmospheric temps.


Don't think about bgd's "right to free speach", which is a right not honored on this board and has been justified before.


This board is a resource for people who want to fix their cars. As members, it's our responsibility to provide good information. Bgd works on the pricipal that he's a misunderstood genius. People belive his statements because they make some sense and are confusing. The people come with questions because they are already mystified. By using confusing language, he puts himself forward as a "priest" in the art of car repair. People assume he's just talking above their experience level and belive what he says. When they follow the advise and end up worse off, it's not just him they don't believe in the future. By spreading misinformation, he's tarnishing the validity of the advise that the rest of us share.

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This board is a resource for people who want to fix their cars. As members, it's our responsibility to provide good information. Bgd works on the pricipal that he's a misunderstood genius. People belive his statements because they make some sense and are confusing. The people come with questions because they are already mystified. By using confusing language, he puts himself forward as a "priest" in the art of car repair. People assume he's just talking above their experience level and belive what he says. When they follow the advise and end up worse off, it's not just him they don't believe in the future. By spreading misinformation, he's tarnishing the validity of the advise that the rest of us share.

People are stupid :-\


I think the unibody cracking might be due to watching too much napoleon dynamite "Ever take it off any sweet jumps?"... "Yes!" ahahaha

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Actually, it doesnt change on its molecular level, it just expands and contracts, only extreem hot and cold temperatures will change the arrangement of the molecules making it either harder or more maleable.


Exactly - that's why cryo treating is used to make steel harder, and more wear resistant. If it changed shape then cryo-treating wheel bearings would result in a deformed bearing - when in REALITY it results in bearings that can last 200 to 400 percent longer. A simple cold spell outdoors isn't going to change the structure - it may shrink things a bit, but as the entire assembly is exposed to the same temps it will all shrink the same *extremely small* amount. Shrinkage is NOT warpage however. Bits of your car are not going to warp even in antartica - although at 100 below, your oil and coolant won't play nice.



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And painting it wil reinforce it to the point that it's solved? All the metal expands or shrinks at the same percentage, so no stress based on atmospheric temps.


Don't think about bgd's "right to free speach", which is a right not honored on this board and has been justified before.


This board is a resource for people who want to fix their cars. As members, it's our responsibility to provide good information. Bgd works on the pricipal that he's a misunderstood genius. People belive his statements because they make some sense and are confusing. The people come with questions because they are already mystified. By using confusing language, he puts himself forward as a "priest" in the art of car repair. People assume he's just talking above their experience level and belive what he says. When they follow the advise and end up worse off, it's not just him they don't believe in the future. By spreading misinformation, he's tarnishing the validity of the advise that the rest of us share.

exactly that was the ultimate truth try reading any of his posts and see if it really sounds like a reasonable theory as to why things happen
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