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Im about to do the most ghetto exhaust.....ever.

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So I am REALLY poor right now, and dont have hardly any money. And I have no exhaust, just the scattered remains of the y pipe. My friend has a bunch of junk stuff at his house so hear is my exhaust plan, the car is so embarassingly loud that i just cant wait any longer.



Keep in mind that I have no exhaust now, so it can't get any worse.:dead:





Will this setup work, thought, w.e etc.


the pic is kinda self explanatory.



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it would be much much better to join both pipes together.


your engine might run OK like that, but it wouldn't run as well as it should. You need the Y-pipe to produce the right scavenging effect. As each combustion pulse travels down the exhaust pipe, it helps pull the next pulse out behind it. When you split the pipes up like that (that is called "twice pipes", by the way) you lose half of your scavenging effect, since each pipe only sees two combustion pulses per cycle.


I checked the junkyard near me, the one without online vehicle inventory, and they had no EA-82s. there is one north that might, but I don't anticipate being by there to swing through.. but I may be forced to. I am doing headgaskets on my motor next week, and it may be that I need cylinder heads.. either way I am actually actively looking for a Y-pipe for you.


Since you seem to have the initiative to scrap SOMEthing together, let me suggest to you this. Many people have come before you in the last 90 years or so, and used soup cans to patch together old exhaust pipes... Do you have any photos of whats left of your original Y-pipe? with some angle pieces bought at a parts store, and some soup cans and some exhaust clamps, we might be able to design something using the fragments of your original exhaust.. it would be ghetto, but it would work.


Is this vehicle fuel injected? if the car has an O2 sensor (FI or feedback carb only) then some provision needs to be made for that, since the car will not run properly without it. Otherwise, if this car is carbureted you could just fab up something like what you have pictured, but join the two pipes together somewhere and then go into a muffler.


Seriously, though. soupcans. Just cut both ends off of them, and use a pair of tin snips to cut along the cylinder, then slip it over the crack/gaping hole you are trying to patch.. and Pep Boys and Advance Auto Parts often have a decent stock of exhaust pipe angles, adaptors, and couplers that you can clamp on.

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So I am REALLY poor right now, and dont have hardly any money. And I have no exhaust, just the scattered remains of the y pipe. My friend has a bunch of junk stuff at his house so hear is my exhaust plan, the car is so embarassingly loud that i just cant wait any longer.



Keep in mind that I have no exhaust now, so it can't get any worse.:dead:





Will this setup work, thought, w.e etc.


the pic is kinda self explanatory.



i reccomend running them together if at all possable you will get your engine to run way better if you run a single pipe with a muffler also like daeron said you would be amaised at what ghetto engenerring can put together
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That's a pretty rough angle on the front axles. Ouch!!LOL


All joking aside, a quick paintbrush doodle like this one REALLY does help save some words sometimes...


:clap: to you, NewDriverOlderRide, for thinking the simpler way. as sketchy as your drawing might have been (no pun intended :brow:) it certainly made your points and your questions abundantly clear.

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Ghetto or not you are asking for trouble.


Daeron mentioned an entity lost in your painting.


You do not grace us with what car this is


if it is a 93 it will have had and need an 02 sensor "bung'd in

somewhere near the front.


You say you have been running with no pipes?

=> no 02 sensor


It will run very rich and the CO dumpin

right under your butt

is not a place I would want to sit in traffic.


Go ghetto but go smart while your at it.


A balance tube will help plus

the crosmember is formed for

a single pipe,

i.e. the mufflers will sit very low the way you have it drawn.


Good luck

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Never tried the dual method myself, but there are some detailed plans floating around this board of how to do it correctly.


Going the ghetto route, I once junked an EA82 that had a pretty decent homemade "Y", using the original flanges, off-the-shelf pieces, and clamps. It was actually shaped more like an "L". It appeared as though the guy hacked off the old Y, and just pieced the "L" together right under the car, coming right off the old flanges. Pretty impressive in a ghetto kinda way...


You might want to give this a shot, and also make provisions for an O2, as mentioned above.


good luck, John

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At this point, you could go "ghetto" and scrap the existing system completely. However, I'm not sure it'll be any cheaper to do this than piecing together what you have, or just finding a used "Y".

Before you decide, take a good look at the flanges, the mating surface on the heads, and stud threads. If the old Y came off cleanly, you could experiment a bit. You could try your original idea and see if you like it.

The fact that you are not running an 02 gives you a little more flexibility. Not sure I agree with the comments against running dual mufflers, though they are definitely overkill on this car. The main benefit of a single pipe (IMO) is that it allows for your o2 sensor, and it doesn't sound like this is an issue.


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I am probably going up to the third and final JY in my area on monday, looking for cylinder heads just in case I need them...


rest assured that I am looking for what you need, and if I find it i will inform you immediately. I do not have cash to pick it up for you, but I can certainly meet you and help you get to the place and get it.. as I said, to get to my house, all you have to do is get on SR-80 (you call it palm beach road, we call it southern blvd) and drive across the state, and about a mile east of the turnpike, turn left (north) and drive half a mile and you are at my house.


I don't BELIEVE there aren't any ea82s in the two yards right near me! this is the first time since I got the soob 2 1/2 years ago that I havent been able to find ONE out there....


any chance of getting photos of whats left of the stock Y-pipe flanges, and the cat? honestly, what you may think is beyond repair MIGHT not be. some of us have hobbled together exhaust systems on many many cars, in various states of disrepair... what I am saying is, you might be under estimating what can be done with scraps from the parts store :grin:


and I was trying to compliment your drawing. it was rough, but it was beyond adequate, and a rough sketch like that takes little time and makes it easier for us to help you. We all should do more of this kind of "teknikal drawling" :lol:

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So we figured it out, and it will be finished in the morning.


So, we cut off 2 pieces of the Y-pipe, and clamped flexipipe from Advanced onto it. (I drove home like that, noticed a loss in power from about 1K-3K RPMs. Sounded like a rice burner, and as fun to rev haha.) From there we have to clamp the ends of the flex pipe, to the Y-pipe off of an old Blazer 4X4(we have to weld some smaller pipe inside the Y in order to be able to clamp it to the flex pipe). And from there I will put the end of the Y to either a dynoomax or flowmaster muffler(both are free) I havnt decided which one, ill prolly try them both. And for the added bling factor a CHROME exhaust tip lol. It will look something like this. I dont plan on doing anything for an O2 sensor,(unless I should drill a hole in that Ypipe?) It runs normal without so hhhmmmmm>??)





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Yeahhhhhh.... um ..... yeahhhhhh.


You might think it runs normal without the O2 sensor, but what it is really doing is running in an 'open loop' mode that is in the computer for when the car is cold or when something goes wrong.


While it may clunk on down the road just fine, what's really happening is the injectors are just throwing a S*$& load of gas into your cylinders at all times. SO, not only will your gas mileage suck, but you'll also be a horribly gross poluter. If you're really as poor as all that, ride a bike - otherwise save up some of that gas money and get an exhaust shop to hack together a y with an O2 bung and a catalytic converter. Or grab section of pipe from ANY car in the junk yard that has an metric O2 bung and a cat, and clamp it to your flex pipe Y and then your muffler on the end of that. Then get a new O2 sensor for $60 bucks and WOW! ->30 mpg.

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...grab section of pipe from ANY car in the junk yard that has an metric O2 bung and a cat, and clamp it to your flex pipe Y and then your muffler on the end of that. Then get a new O2 sensor for $60 bucks and WOW! ->30 mpg.


He's right.. you should go to a junkyard with your flex tubing and find a y pipe of some sort that has an o2 sensor bung in it, that fits onto your flex pipe.


You just have to keep the car's feelings in mind. After all, how would YOU feel if someone ripped YOUR exhaust off and replaced it with one lacking a bung-hole??? :lol:

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