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so this was a 87 gl-10 wagon. high-comp ea82t dr 5sp. iwas going to take more pics during the chop but i forgot and got carried away. um still have to finish the front hoop and top crossbars, i have a snap-on vinyl beach top that ill put pics up whan i get them done.

i still have to bob the rear which will be cake. im gonna cut it off at the crossmember between the gas tnak and the little storage compartment. then ill move the radiator to the top of the engine and bob the front. then ill redrill the hubs and put some like 26's on 15" wheels, not too big but enough for traciton. ill probly lift it a little, but it gained like 3" all around just taking all that weight off.

but yea more pics to come. you might have seen it if you get to the g'ville area often. and one more thing: rain sucks.... for now...



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itll be black bedliner under the stripe, and i havent decided for above the stripe, probly nothing. i have to have the machine shop press my u-joint into the rear driveline, which im using the front piece of the two-piece rear shaft, which is the exact length needed. i got the bikini top today, hopefully ill have more pics soon. glad you guys like it.

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That's SWEET! :banana::banana::banana:


Keep us posted! Nice fab work there. zzz


Just curious what was your inspiration? I'm so going to love it when you have bobbed the front and rear too! Making a rock crawler or just a week-end 4wheeler?


Oh and if you don't mind my saying, I agree 26" is the way to go, but if you use 14's instead of 15's you can use ATV tires like me and Sweet82 :burnout::Flame:

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cage? what kind of metal have you ADDED?


please, more pics? we are like fiends here for the photographs...




The more I look at this thing (I jsut saw the other photo with the top in the other thread) the more I think "It wants quad round headlights." That, and I now think, rip the front fenders off (or beat them beyond recognition as stock fenders)


Then all it needs is a submachinegun mounted in the back, heh. Pissed off Max.

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