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An Update to all the 08 Imp Haters

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Whats the HP on the 1.5s BTW??


It is 107 (torque arround 150 Nm), not to bad compared to the 116 from the (91 legacy) old 2.0 Although i drove it and it just seems missing the power to get it going nicely. In 1st and 2nd it goes in high revs but then it lost already all sense of fuel economy. To my opinion the new 2.0 would not be much worse in consumption just because it doesnt have to work so hard. But on the other hand the 1.5 will just do fine if you just want a nice AWD for daily travel (not towing anything).

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If the new Imp DID look like that photoshop - we would all take the piss for it looking like a 350Z.


Personally im still a fan of the shape. Once you get over the "I CANT BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER!!...i mean mazda" feeling....its not such a bad car.


Not much point sticking a H6 in it tho - the STI model has enough kick to kill.


Really glad to hear your enjoying it. Just curious tho - what this paint chipping issue?

Yup these Imps are incredible..especially once everything gets broken in...Suspension...motor..


The paint chipping issue..its over on Nasioc..the people with the darker colored cars are having serious paint chipping in from of the back tires. Its had to tell on my cause its white...and needs a bath right now. But one member has a letter from Subaru stating they are aware of the problem and should have the fix ready by spring. I have had alot of chipping on my hood that I am having them look at next time it goes in.Just seems the paint is thin. But what can you expect...we are the guinea pigs of the new design.:). I still have absolutely no regrets and still feel I made the perfect choice for me.


Major Lazy....Lukas has an 07 Imppy with dual range ( I am so jealous )..Its in the off topic section ..the show off your soob..last page or 2.


Oh and Thanks Paul ( crazyhorse):o:o You always have a way of making me blush:grin::brow: And I know Hollister appreciates it too.( She is such a sweetheart of a car)

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Erm....the 1.5 has a very disappointing 124Nm to go with it's 104bhp. Even though it has variable DOHC. It feels a bit slow, but it's willing to run to 7000rpm again and again.


Next step up is the 2.0 with ~190Nm and 150bhp, doesn't feel slow.


From there we lose the 2.5 N/A option. There's a huge jump from 2.0 to the WRX and STi.



Oh...did I forget to mention that ALL 2008's have Dual-Range over here in Denmark??


Getting jealous?

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I know I am envious... But I know why we dont get some of this stuff in our market...its the lazy American way...the average person ( Not us enthusiests) doesnt want to learn how to use the D/R shift..OMG that would require and effort. They woud much rather get in and put in D and go...Its sometimes even hard to find manual trannys now adays here. And thats just the tip of the iceburg.


I would LOVE to have the D/R in my Imp. I am totally envious

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am just saying it to bust his chops...I know almost all y'all think I have one of the ugliest car ever made..To each their own... I happen to like it..or I wouldnt have bought it as my first ever brand new car


And ya have an XT, one of the other black sheep. I love the XT, learned to drive on one in fact!!

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I am just saying it to bust his chops...I know almost all y'all think I have one of the ugliest car ever made..To each their own... I happen to like it..or I wouldnt have bought it as my first ever brand new car


I was at the dealer the other day picking up a part. I was checking out an '08 WRX with a trunk. I think they call it the 4 door sedan or whatever. I like it! It's not ugly like the hatchback. :)

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I was at the dealer the other day picking up a part. I was checking out an '08 WRX with a trunk. I think they call it the 4 door sedan or whatever. I like it! It's not ugly like the hatchback. :)

Thats funny though cause the hatch is outselling the sedan by a ton...and the hatch costs more..but thats cause its a much more functional vehicle. Just today while out playing in the snow..I counted 7 other 08s..and only 1 was a sedan:rolleyes:


And just for all the ugly comments..I am definately bringing it to Carlisle so you will be forced to be in the presence of its ugliness..:mad:

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Everybody loves their new baby (remember that infamous Seinfeld episode about the ugly baby:lol: ). I’m happy for you Bucky but here’s another gem of an article from my favorite scribes at Car and Driver Magazine:




“ …the STI wins the ugliest-car-on-the-planet contest…”

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I stopped at the Subaru place in Knoxville today when I was coming back through and would see if they had the new STi. The one I go to religiously is smaller and hasn't received it yet. I have never been a fan of Grayson simply because I can't get the guys to talk to me even by going inside. There was a ton of WRX's here and had business cards shoved into the door cracks. Was a nice yellow bug eye on the lot as well. It was raining and figured I would snag a couple of pics while I was there.






Connie, there was an Impreza there with a monster roof rack and dwarfed yours.It looked like a shopping cart attached to the roof of this thing.

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