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Unfortunate Events... Just a feeler.

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Hello, guys.. Everyone knows, times are rough right now.. I might end up having to sell my 88RX if it keeps up.

How many people would be interested in this car, and give me an honest estimate of what I should be asking for it...

I really REALLY dont want to sell her, but my family comes before my toys, and if I end up having to sell her I'd like to give you guys first shot at it.


FYI, she's kind of beat up, currently it will not pass emissions due to engine modifications and lack of catalytic converters on the 3" exhaust.. I was thinking of Green Sticker'ing her next year, but I may not have the luxury of keeping her that long...


Pictures available on request, and the car is in the Southern California area. Thanks for the input. :mad::banghead:





Edited by 88RxTuner
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Im sorry to hear about your troubles, I as well have been stung by this economic crap. But this will not last forever and you may not find another car like that one later on after times are better. If you dont owe money for it and you love it, then let it sit. Think about it. If times are tough for all of us that leaves few able to buy toy/fixup cars. Which means if you find a buyer, you may not get what the car is worth. Ive really been thinking about selling my Wagon, but honestly, for the little I will get at this point it isnt worth the loss of my ugly orange yard deco.

I wonder how many of us here on USMB are really hit by these times. Laid off foreclosure etc...

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I'm sorry to hear about your troubles as well. I know how you feel. My wagon is in Texas right now, and it needs some work from what my friend Jason has told me. It, at the least is going to need new timing belts and associated components, new crank bearings, A/C needs to be repaired, and not to mention, it is going to have to pass emissions as I am going to be PCSing to California in April. I have been thinking about sacrificing it, but I really don't want to. It is a very hard decision to make as you're d$#@ed if you do, and d&*%ed if you don't.



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Do you want my list of cars I sold and shouldn't have? At the end of the day the profit from their sale is forgotten, the fact they aren't here isn't.


Sometimes it is all we can do to suck it up and make ends meet, it ain't a happy place to be. I'm leaning towards the idea that you may not get what you would want for it because most folks aren't buying right now.


Maybe someone on the board will be able to give it a good home, I wish I could it's a very nice looking RX.

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i would hold onto it if i were you i have countless things that i sold (cars, rifles, amps, moped, xbox) for way less than i could of got for it because "i just needed the money" it's really not worth it. things always seem to work out in the end, one way or another, no matter how bumpy the path may seem.

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Well, the first post brings up a good point.. I dont owe anything on it, I own it outright... I guess it wouldn't do much harm to sit in the backyard until I get around to having more money... But just the same, as I stated before if it's a question of feeding my wife and kid or getting rid of my toys, it's gonna be bye-bye to the toys... Hopefully it doesnt get quite that far, and I DO have every intention of keeping it as long as I can.

I went through this (well, sort of...) once before. My wife, when I first met her, had an 88 Rx JUST like mine.. Literally, they are like 9 VIN#'s apart or something crazy like that. Me, being the dumb kid I was, blew it up... Then fixed it, and blew it up again... And again. Finally, I couldnt afford to fix it, and her father said I'll buy it from you guys for 100 bux. Well, he bought it, proceeded to use his backhoe to dig a large hole, and buried it in the ground..essentially making it disappear. This, for 100bux... = not worth it, pissed off g/f / eventual wife, etc.. not a pretty situation.

It took me 5 years to come across another one, and here I sit, needing the money more than the car, but now I know all you guys, and I'll be DAMND if it's gonna go to waste.. Worst case, someone who appreciates it will get it. Hopefully it doesnt even come to that.

Thanks, guys, for reminding me why I spent 5 years of my life looking for a 20 year old "sh#*ty Jap Car"... and why I want to keep her.



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minus the sunroof, you have a twin of my RX.


I am even in the process of making the hood scoop.


Honestly I say keep it.


For about $500 you can do an EJ22 swap and have more power than the stock EA82T. I am more then happy to make a road trip to get the swap done and prepare the harness for you.


Depending on when you need to get it smogged, I might have a house by then so we can even work on it there. (hoping to get one by the end of August)


So don't give up the ship.... er RX just yet. There are plenty of options available to you.



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S'ko, I love my sunroof... it's nothing fancy, just a pop-up... but still very cool.


Dude, I tried to pick up a shovel... Then my father in law tried to put me in jail for trespasssing and attempted theft. That's the kind of relationship we have... Oh, well. I got his daughter, so he can kiss my >>insert proper terminology here<<.....


S'ko, I'd love to get together one of these weekends when time and money come together... If for nothing else, just the time spent on old Subies... But, the point of me keeping the EA engine was simply to keep it original. I dont necessarily want to do an EJ swap if I can avoid it, So many people have done it that its not FUN anymore... Anyone with enough time and money can do it. I once wanted to build an ER27 Twin Turbo, and was well on the way when the project kind of crapped out on me, and swap THAT into my RX.. now, there would have been some fun times.. But, the EJ life I think is not for me, not until I've done all I can do with the EA engines.......


Thanks for all the input, guys..


Oh, yea.... And How DO you know it's bearings?????????? Does it make noise? All EA engines make noise.... LOL!!! HAHAHAhahahahah




EDIT: By the way, that hood scoop took a lot of thinking and beer to make it happen... LOL Wait till you see it in person, the damned last minute contraption that it is...


EDIT 2: S'ko, by the way... I renew smog and registration at the end of August... hehehehe

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I understand original. It's part of the charm of older cars. If I ever get an EA81 or older I am going to build keep it stock and work on learning how to tune a carb.


Right now I am more in the school of resto-fying my fleet. Restore and modify at the same time.


EJ22T RX = ridiculous fun. Last night I was driving w/my wife and had to get on it to make the intersection. I was about to shift it into 3rd when I looked down at my speedo and I was already going 55 mph in a 35 zone. this was from a rolling start of about 10 mph.


My BRAT is also a lot more fun to drive b/c of the increase in power that the EJ18 give it.


I skipped the EA82s so my knowledge is scant, I do know that it is best to keep it stock and well cooled. Oil cooler, fans, good radiators etc.


re: smog, i have a stock WRX catted downpipe that you can borrow to pass smog, just make sure that you give it back so I can pass smog when I have to, mmmkay? What other mods do you have that prevent you from passing smog?


re: buried RX, what if you told your father-in-law that some wanted to buy the RX? How much do you think he would sell it for? Then we could either try to resurrect it or split it for parts. It has to get a chance to go to subaru heaven where it's parts can be redistributed and not be buried alive.



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